On 20 May at 14:00-19:45 part of Medya Defense area; Şehit Beritan, Şekif, Lelikan, Gundê Cennetê, Helikopter Hill and Xinerê area was air attacked were made by Turkish military aircraft. Result of this attacked four of our friends has reached the martyr. As soon as we have solid information about our friends identity we will let the public know.
21 May 2010
HPG Press-Communication Centre
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The Press and to the Public!
On 24 May at 19:00-21:00 Şifreza and Merganiş villages of Zap which is part of Medya Defence area were attacked with howitzer and mortars by the Turkish army forces.
24 May 2010
HPG Press-Communication Centre
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The press and to the public!
1. On May 17, in Madur and Kosedagi area, which are region of Kars Çemçe an operation initiated by Turkish army. The operation covered the village of Bahçecik and Çiçekli and from Şahyolu to Kösedağ, were withdrawn in the same day around evening time.
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1. In between the 12th of 22:00 hours and 13th of May of 01:00 hours, the Turkish state army bombarded the Hills of Bezenike and Xerip in the area of Haftanin/the Medya Defence Areas, with obus and mortars.
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I have problems with my back. It is most probably due to the muscles in the area. I can’t bend forward and have pain in my muscles there. It is most probably linked to the new prison conditions here. Lately my eyes become irritated, watery and there is much pain and itchiness. I have the above difficulties and most probably they are linked to the climate here.
I was not able to say much about the Women’s Conference that took place in Diyarbakır a short while ago, yet it was a very important conference indeed. Democratic Libertarian Women’s Movement is indeed of uttermost importance. It is important to develop women’s democracy within the scope of Women’s freedom. The level attained by the Kurdish women is important. It is also important that women’s awareness is developed in the South. The situation of the women in the Kurdistan of Turkey is much better, women in this part should be able to assist the women in the other parts and even lead them forward when it comes to this issue. There is indeed much to say on this issue.
I believe there shall be a Women’s Festival in Tatvan very soon. Women’s freedom and struggle is of utter importance especially for Tatvan and that region in general, because it positively transforms everyone. I greet them and wish them all the success in their Kurdistan democratic and libertarian women’s struggle. Tatvan, Batman and the regions around there have a very important position in our struggle. Of course Tatvan is a very important place. I think a woman friend from Adıyaman Prison, she is originally from Ahlat, seems to be seriously ill. In one of her letters she says that when she is out of prison her biggest aim is to establish a Woman’s Academy in Tatvan. These are great thoughts. All I can say for Tatvan right now is that later there can be many beautiful and important things done for it. Tatvan, Van and its surroundings as well as the surround region of the Van Lake are places of cultural and historical importance. These areas are culturally rich and legendary places. One end stretches out to the Zagros region, the other Caucasus while the other to Anatolia. From a perspective of arts and aesthetics, Tatvan is quite suitable for such festivals. If my memory does not fail me they say similar thinks about the Zilan region. It is said that there used to be a women’s community and culture in that area. The region around Van and Tatvan is the region where such a culture was formed. This is why it is important that women’s activity and the insitutionalization of this activity is of importance there. It is important to have woman acculturation there. Hence, Tatvan can be an example of social construction and democratic self governance. It is a suitable place for this. Woman Political Academy can be established there. I take this opportunity to commemorate singer Mizgin and a woman from Lebanon, whose name I can’t remember at the moment. They grew up by my side. Mizgin ended her own life in Tatvan so that she would not be caught. The woman from Lebanon too, ended her own life so that she would not be caught in Batman. They were both very courages and are both very precious martyrs of our people.
In relation to this constitutinal package, I have now understood what AKP wants to do. I have now worked out AKP’s codes of conduct. AKP’s approach in relation to this constitutional package is nothing but a trick. I heard on the radio that the arrangement in relation to the Constitutional Court has passed through with 337 votes. Yet, Article 8 did not pass through with 327 votes. In fact, if AKP wanted, it could pass this article as well, it would have been strong enough to do it.
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1. On 8th of May, 2010, in between the hours of 15:00-17:00, the Turkish state army bombarded the areas of Sate, Dola Sate and Cete Bogazi in Zagros/the Medya Defence Areas, with obus and mortars.
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1. The Turkish state army continously non-stop bombarding the villages of Setanus, Sate and Keye, and as well as Avasin vadisi in Zagros/the Medya Defence Areas with obus and mortars since 7th of May, 2010. The bombardments in these areas still continoues
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1. On 6th of May, 2010, the Turkish state army have started a military operation aiming to cross the border in the area of Oramar/Yuksekova/Hakkari. The military operation have started at 07:00 in the morning with artillary and cobra-type attack helicopters' bombardment of the areas of Carcela, Geper, Setunus, Sate and Dola Sate, and in mean time soldiers in three different wings wanted to cross the border and get into area.
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Two weeks ago we have had warned both our people and the public not to participate in the construction of the dams, which is part of carefully implemented military re-occupation of Kurdistan by the enemy.
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It is important to develop people’s local governance. I had previously given my analysis on this issue. I think money or material hardships should not be turned into excuses. What is important is your will power and level of organization. One can do many things if united with the people.
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