Народные силы самообороны

It is important to develop people’s local governance. I had previously given my analysis on this issue. I think money or material hardships should not be turned into excuses. What is important is your will power and level of organization. One can do many things if united with the people.

My health problems continue as before. My breathing problems continue. The cell I stay in this new prison building is more like a pit. This is the reason why I am effected by it so negatively. Recently I have been getting a stiff back. I am not sure whether it is because of the draft in the room or it is something else. I have difficulties in sitting and getting up I get a terrible stiffness. I sometimes find it difficult to look at the light.

I would like to repeat our desire for democratic constitution. This must be understood well. The changes made in the constitution are not to construct a democratic constitution. No one is dealing with the essense and spirit of 12 September constitution. Can you imagine they did not even accept the motion that would have paved the way for the trial of those who carried out the coup on 12 September! Moreover they did not take up the new regulations in relation to the children either!

No one should go too far. What do they mean by being in parallel with CHP and MHP? That is impossible! Don’t they know that it is we who struggle against the MHP-CHP line the most? This is complete nonsense. I mean did anyone have any dialogu or meeting with MHP and CHP, no! This is lack of manners. Is that how they shall defend the Kurdish people’s rights, is this the way they shall be active in politics! A stance of principles in politics is of utter importance. If not you would be hard on their heel. In social sciences when you evaluate an event it is not based on that moment or day but more in terms of longer periods. This is the scientific dimension to look from. Right after the oath-taking ceremony I told them to concentrate on being a democrat for the whole of Turkey. But this does not mean that you shall not defend the rights of the Kurds. I told them to defend the rights of the Kurds from such a perspective and if they were to fall into Kurdish nationalism I told them that would be counterproductive and would choke them out. They were not successful. They were not able to create a meaningful democratic union. Of course I know that the other left wing groups also contributed to this outcome. But nevertheless you had to succeed. I still feel that there are opportunities to do politics on the basis of democracy, class and labor in Turkey. These opportunities are widespread. You were not able to develop your policies and kept yourselfves in a narrow position. If you were successful at becoming a democrat for all of Turkey and the point made above then you would have not only reached but surpassed ten percent of the votes. You were not successful at this. Why do you still have your votes under the five percent mark, you have to sit down and seriously analyze this. I said many times before to establish Political Academies in order to successfully implement democratic politics. But as yet it has not been established.

Everyone should be well aware why and by whom Ahmet Türk was punched. This must be well analyzed. These are organized and systematic acts. They are trying to intimidate them by scaring them and thus enchain them. Take the issue of constitution to the people, organize meetings on a regional level. There the people shall adopt the right stance for themselves.

The conflict is between the two oligarchic powers or blocs. We can not be a party to such a conflict. I try and evaluate the AKP but I still feel that there are some aspects that are left in the dark. But I reach conclusions in terms of the daily developments too. It is as yet not clear what shall happen to AKP. AKP has not as yet defined itself that clearly either. Instead of being a party it is acting more like a bloc. AKP is not an actor but only a figure amongst all this. It is clear that classical English domination has had an influence on its formation. The USA, as well as Israel i.e. Ehud Barac and the rest also have had an influence on it. On the other hand thorugh there is the support of the Saudi capital as well. Iran, I believe, gets involved only through the Saadet Party and Hizbullah. Historically these two have an influence on the Islamic movements; Saudi influences on the one hand and the Iranian on the other. These two influences are effective in Turkey as well. It is widely known that a while ago the Democratic Solution Party was not allowed to participate in the elections but the Kurdistan Islamic Party was allowed in South Kurdistan. As a result it was able to get a few seats in the parliament. I think the AKP is in touch with them. A similar process is now being tried out in Turkey through the use of different religious communities. They have pulled some of the Kurds to their own side, there are Kurds within the AKP who support such a process. They tried something similar within the PKK as well. Osman, Botan and the rest did they back then not say that they are ‘conservative Kurdish democrats’. It is part of the same game. AKP back then assisted them in return for our elimination. There was a big money turn round. They told these people to ‘continue, we shall meet all your needs. We shall open the Silopi gate right to the end’. They tried to include Talabani in this period of elimination. Their quest to include him continues but I don’t think that our people in the South shall give their support to such an act.

The conclusion I draw from the eight years of AKP practice is the following: AKP wishes to eliminate the political Kurdish movement with the help of all its components that I have mentioned. This is most certainly the case.

Ayşe Hür had a similar evaluation two days ago; “At first AKP created an array of hope in relation to resolving the question however it is now understood that at this point it wishes to eliminate the political Kurdish movement so that it can enchain the Kurds to itself and create its own Kurd”. Yes, she has made a good point. AKP is trying to implement its elimination policy in all its political, social, cultural and economic dimensions. For example in the last year a1500 people from BDP have been arrested. There are many women and children amongst them. When all these women, children together with BDP cadres (women and men) and politicians (women and men) are in prisons how do you propose to do politics? There are more then 400 children and more then 100 women in prison. The only aim of the ten percent threshold is not to allow BDP to the parliament. The only reason they don’t change the aid to the political parties by the treasury is so that BDP does not make use of it. There are also dams that are being built and is planned to be built in the region. They are building 12 dams in Sirnak. There is the Illusu dam project which shall leave 190 villages under the water. They do not have economic aims. This is the genocide of the nature. Why are they really building these dams? There is obviously a miltiary dimension, and the dimension against the guerillas but there is also the cultural dimension; they are planning to eliminate the historical aspects. There is also the social aspect of these dams; they want to depopulate the valleys and break people off from their living areas. Then I ask you all; shall these people live in the mountains?

Thus under such conditions AKP can not be supported. AKP is not sincere, if a party is able to make many changes to the articles of the constitution in nine days then it can easily make these legal arragements. If they want to they can. If all these aspects are not evaluated and despite it AKP is supported then this is just tailing behind them, or indeed denial of ones own self. In fact to deny one’s self is immoral. If under such circumstances the BDP says yes then it would end its own political life and diminish the respect for itself. Politically it would hurt them very much to support the AKP under these circumstances, they shall not be able to give an account of it to the people either because it is a dead end road. There is still the second round of votes for the constitutional changes, and also the referendum. Our criteria is a democratic constitution and democratic politics thus if need be they may even meet with MHP and CHP.

I tried to intiate a new period since 1999. But the Yalman-Kivrikoglu line was quite different. Yalman said “we have understood Apo wrong”. Back then there was also Ecevit. Ecevit was honest but he was eliminated. I have given the AKP many chances but nothing came out of it. As a result we are here. They are not even handing over the road map, they put me in this pit. They shut down the DTP, they have banned them, there are many operations being carried out and thousands of our friends are in prisons. I am now asking you all; did all this happen at such a level even during the time when Ergenekon, which is said to be eliminated by the AKP, dominated everything? No it did not. They both aim elimination but AKP is doing it in a more dangerous fashion. AKP has clashed with the bloc that wished to make Dalan the Prime Minister. When I say two blocs are in conflict this is what I mean. Dalan is now in Europe. They are also dependent on the USA but these days AKP has the support of the US. They are both controlled by the US and are competing over who can collaborate best with the US. Two blocs, two hegemonic powers are fighting against one another but when it comes to the elimination of the Kurds they are in collaboration. The US is supporting the AKP at the moment but this does not mean that it shall always be the case. That is what I mean when I say that the future of AKP is not so clear. Of course Ecevit was different. He tried to implement a different policy to that of the US but they eliminated him.

As a result I call on all the different sections. You can not throw all the burden and responsibility on my shoulders in the resolution of the question. I have said all that was needed. The conditions I am under is widely known. What more can you expect of me! Everyone should be able to make their own decisions and be able to implement them. My life has no guarantee here. Therefore one should act with such awareness. The weeks before us are critical. I had previously pointed out that the third period has ended. I invite the state to seriousness on this issue. I call on the Prime Minister; I have no idea whether he has no strength or can’t cope or has no will power but if the the way for democratic politics is not paved then everyone shall suffer. They talk about a moderate intensity warfare if there is no resolution. Do not say that I have not warned all. And if this develops then thousands of people shall be detained and even arrested. Our people should also take their own precautions. All I am trying to do it point out to the short term dangers. I am not giving anyone any orders, I can’t because I do not find it ethical.

I made much effort for a democratic solution and peace. But we are now at a different junction. I tried so hard and am still trying. I can only give my views on solution and dialogue within the framework of democratic politics. I can not do anything else it shall not be right. Everyone should be able to give their own decisions.

The things that have happened is Siirt are nothing but savagery. There are about ten thousand Kurdish children in the boarding schools of the region. The mothe tongue of these children are banned in these boarding schools. They are subjected to a total assmilation by removing them from all their origins. This is a genocide. Genocide is the act annihilation inflcited on a community by a community in physical, cultural-language wise and sociological terms. In these boarding schools they are made to forget their own mother tongues and a new language is thought them. This is clearly a cultural genocide. This is how it has been defined by the UN in their treaties. It is clear that the culprit of these acts is the state. The AKP is trying to cover them up. But what I am really angry about is why the Kurds are not raising their voices more against this savagery. They should make a great fuss about it. In terms of social honor and responsibility you should approach the stuation as if it is your own siblings, partners or mothers that have been sobjected to rape.

When a reeve of a district in Siirt complains in writing to the Governor about the prostitution taken up in some of the schools the Governor replies to him by saying “instead of throwing stones they should get involved in prostitution”. His reply should hit the headlines. It is clear that this is a state policy. This is one of the special warfare tactics implemented in the region by teh state over the many years. Through such acts they wish to belittle Kurdishness and Kurdish culture. Our people are quite sensitive when it comes to their honor but they wish to play around with them. They try and break the resistance of the Kurds and belittle the Kurdish culture. The media is playing its own part very well. This is a systematic thing. In fact in this incident there is also an assistant Principle as well as some members of the military and policemen. The government is trying to cover it up but everything about it should be exposed and revealed.

I find the attendance to the Kurdish National Women’s Conference in Diyarbakir positive. I also agree that the host of the next conference should be the South. As I have previously proposed the Kurdish Democratic Nation Congress can also be convene in the South, in Erbil or elsewhere. This congress can convene under the framework of five theoretic and four practical propositions of mine.

Thus, there can be meetings arranged with HAK-PAR and KADEP. The structure of DTK ( Democratic Society Congress) is open to different parties, sections and groups coming together. HAK-PAR and KADEP can take their own place within DTK.

I can say the following in relation to 1 May; My views on socialism is known. I am continously advancing my views on this issue. Especially in my book called the Sociology of Freedom I evaluated the five thousand year old power and state. I have also evaluated the views of Gramsci on this topic. At the moment Europe represents the five thousand year old capitalist tradition. There are evaluations on such topics as well there. I am in solidarity with those democratic socialist sections of the society who are truely against the monopolist capitalist system and are consistent in Turkey. I shall always preserve this aspect of mine. Thus, I pay tribute to 1 May and send my greetings to all.

There were some letters from the prison and one or two from outside prisons. I have received letters from Mardin, Siirt and Tekirdağ prisons. I also received a letter from Diyarbakır Bağlar 5 Nisan Mahallesi. I convey my greetings to them. I received the letter of Ismet .. from Ağrı Diyadin and who is in prison in Izmir. I send my greetings to him too. I believe his father has died in prison. Please convey my special greetings and condolonces. I send my greetings to our people in Ağrı and Siirt. And special greetings to our people in Taşlıçay. (Translated By KCK-Info)

30 April 2010