Народные силы самообороны


1. On 6th of May, 2010, the Turkish state army have started a military operation aiming to cross the border in the area of Oramar/Yuksekova/Hakkari. The military operation have started at 07:00 in the morning with artillary and cobra-type attack helicopters' bombardment of the areas of Carcela, Geper, Setunus, Sate and Dola Sate, and in mean time soldiers in three different wings wanted to cross the border and get into area.

A clash occurred in between our guerrilla forces and the First Wing of the soldiers, who wanted enter to the area through the upper part of Geper and the slopes of Carcela. The clash continued until 12:00 noon, and 3 enemy soldiers killed by our guerrillas. The enemy forces,who couldn't be able move after resistance by the guerrillas, started bombarding the area with cobra-type attack helicopters inorder to collect the dead and wounded soldiers.

Another clash occurred in between our guerrillas and the Second Wing of the enemy forces while trying to cut cross the Geper and Sehit Siyar, and here another3 enemy soldiers have been killed by our guerrillas during the clash. As a result of clashes, the Second Wing of the enemy forces have been repulsed.

On 7th of May, the next day, another clash occurred in between our guerrilla forces and enemy soldiers, who wanted continue the military operation. In this clash, 9 enemy soldiers killed. Aftermath of this clash, the war-planes belongs to the Turkish state army intensively bombarded the areas of Xiyate Setunus, Cinar Bogazi and Sate, in between the hours of 16:00-18:00. Also, the areas of Gowende, Hergus, Mavata, Erdevi, Bedevi, Basya Kapisi, Avasin Vadisi, Kiye, Kartal, Meze, Sehit Suleyman, Seytan Tepeleri and, Dola Bizina, Bene Bogazi and Dola Sive have been intensively bombarded both on the air and land until late at night.

All together, a net clerified total of 15 enemy soldiers have been killed during clashes occurred in five different places on 6th and 7th of May. Also, 2 of our comrade (named Sipan and Laser) reach to their testimony after Heroic Battles. In the coming days, we will be sharing with public the ID. Details of our martryed comrades.

The military operation still continues.

2. On 7th of May, 2010, in between the hours of 18:00-22:30, the Turkish state army bombarded the village of Nizure, and the areas of Dola Silo and PKK Bogazi in Haftanin/the Medya Defence Areas, with obus and mortars.

3. On 6th of May, 2010, in between the hours of 15:00-17:00, the Turkish state army bombarded the village of Nizure, and the areas of Dola Silo and PKK Bogazi in Haftanin/the Medya Defence Areas, with obus and mortars.

The Press Liasion Centre – HPG
