To the attention of our people and public opinion!
The People’s Defence Forces (HPG) had adopted the position of inaction since 13 April 2009 on the basis of our leader’s efforts for a solution as well as our movement’s decision to do so.
This democratic process wished to be developed by our leader meant much self-sacrifice on his own behalf. The HPG complied with this decision on the basis of much dedication and determination despite its own losses.
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1. On 5th of May, 2010, in between the hours of 15:00-17:00, the Turkish state army bombarded the village of Sule and the area of PKK Bogazi in Haftanin / the Medya Defence Areas, with obus and mortars.
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1. In between 4th of May at 21:00 hour and 5th of May at 03:00 hours, the Turkish state army bombarded the area of Sesdare, where there are civilian villages, in Haftanin/the Medya Defence Areas, with obus and mortars. Turkish state army have been continously bombarding the Medya Defence Areas since the new year, including the villages where civilians lives. This is believed to be a special approach to have put pressure on the villagers to live the area in order to create a 'no-man zone'.
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1. On 3rd May, 2010, in between the hours of 21:00 – 01:00pm (today), the Turkish state army bombarded the area of Xantur / Haftanin / The Medya Defence Area, with obus and mortars.
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1. On 27th of April, 2010, a military operation have been started by the Turkish state army in the areas of Siva Hespa and Kucuk Gare/Cukurca(Cele)/Hakkari(Colemerg). Some part of the operational forces pulled back on 28th of April, yet some hidden units stayed in the operation area for search and ambush activities.
On 30th of April, 2010, in between the hours of 06:00-06:30am, the Turkish state army bombarded the area of Gire Heliz/Haftanin/the Medya Defence Areas, with obus and mortars.
The Press Liasion Center – HPG
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A member of the Executuve Council of the KCK, Duran Kalkan, have said, "Until now, we have had give a struggle in every field of political, military and ideological areas in order find a solution only through ' a political dialogue'. This was our only goal and now this is changing. Now, we, ourselves will build our own democracy by organize and develop a democratic society in relevancy to develop our own solution with our own self-power."
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Öcalan said “The constitutional package that the AKP is presenting depends on a single condition. There should be support for the package if there is a Provision of Democracy and Human Rights. The most important and general title is democratic constitution.”.
The Kurdish People’s Leader Abdullah Öcalan has met with his lawyers. According to the information obtained, Öcalan analyzed the latest political developments and said ‘They are (the Kurds) saying that they shall enhance their own self-defence in such a way that there is no need for any other power. They add that together with self-defence political, social, cultural and in any other required areas the organizational aspect of things will be enhanced. I understand that they shall enhance their organizational level in political, social and cultural terms, that include self-defence, in Syria, Iran, Iraq, Turkey and in Europe. So they shall not be satisfied with their pursuit for a political dialogue alone like in the past but they shall also develop their own social organizations, they shall build it like a network.”. Öcalan pointed out that “They are saying that they are open for political dialogues too but fundamentally they shall construct their own system. They want to widely spread their own democracy. This therefore means a widespread organizational strength everywhere. If this is hoe they organize themselves in all sections of the society there may not be much need for BDP.”
Öcalan said: “If the path to political dialogue is paved in the resolution of the Kurdish question then we shall respond to it. The initiation of such a process of dialog shall prevent the possibility of clashes. If not an environment of conflict althoug it is not something that desire, approve or give priority to shall develop. However I would like to underline it: The environment of conflict that will develop shall not be and is not our preference. If on the other hand the process of political dialogue and negotiations is initiated then such a risk of conflict shall be removed. If not though despite the fact that we do not want it an environment of conflict shall be inevitable. I repeat though this is not our preference. The process of dialogue in order to resolve the question is hence very important. This is how one can move forward and how the discussions for a resolution can be put on the right track. There can be new steps to show good faith, new legal arrangements can be done and some of the mayors can be freed. If not the environment of conflict that shall follow shall be different to that of the past and be more intense.”
“However our preference is not that of conflict but solution. But for this to come true there is a need for a process of dialog and negotiations. We are continuing our efforts to resolve the question for the past 17years, before and during my imprisonenment in Imrali Island. I had determined my strategic stand in relation to this issue 17 years ago. This was a strategic stance and a decision. Such a decision was indeed itself the belief of how right the democratic and peaceful methods were. Since then we have had effort and endeavors to resolve this question in a democratic and peaceful way. In the last seven years we had efforts and endeavors to initiate a dialogue and solution with AKP and state in general. It has been seven years with AKP but ten years before that makes 17 years in total of unilateral efforts. Our insistence in this issue is acknowledged. That is why I would like to repeat; the process of political dialogue and negotiations in relation to the resolution of this question should be initiated and such a process should be deepened with those concerned. If not despite our wishes or desire a period of clashes with medium intensity shall be experienced. This shall mean that everyone concerned shall loose, such a development of period of conflict shall mean all shall loose. There maybe some positive developments but these developments may not occur, or that they maybe negative. I think that some things may become more clear around the beginning of summer, around the end of May or the beginning of June.”
“The second issue that I would like to analyze in relation to practical and daily matter is the discussions on the Constitution. There is only one condition that the support for the AKP’s constitutional packet depends on. I had mentioned it in the previous weeks as well. There is only one condition and that is: The Provision for Democracy and Human Rights. The issue that predominates this condition and is most important is the construction of a Democratic Constitution. The existence of a democratic constitution within Turkey is compulsary. One should be careful not to fall into the same position as CHP and MHP who represent the status quo and resist it or fall for the possible games pulled by AKP. Their stance must be different to either one of them and they should form a third way. All should act in accordance with the meaning and spirit of a true democratic constitutions. Without a democratic constitution how possible is it to develope a democratic society! This is of primary importance; the construction of a new and democratic constitution. There is also the situation of the children as well as the terror laws. This legislation should be removed. There is also the arrest of the mayors and the BDP cadres and those arrested within the compass of the KCK operations. All those arrested must be freed. Topics such as the need to drop the ten percent election threshold and allow BDP to benefit from the assistance made by the treasury also need to be handled and arranged extensively along with the democratic constitution. The most important and general title can be described as democratic constitution. These matters should be matters that must be arranged along with the title of democratic constitution but as a second seperate title and extensively. Within the frame work of this condition if you are convinced that AKP shall take sincere steps then this draft constitution can be supported. The have full initiative on this matter and these are my thought on the matter.”
“There are associations in Europe, they are organized there as well. All of these are within the same system. Therefore the congresses that take place should be handled as such. They are all included in this confederal organization. This is called a regime, indeed it is like a system and hence they find their place in this system in such a way. Each place has an organization of its own. Theirs is called the Democratic Community of Europe or the Union of Democratic Communities of Europe. This is how it can be identified. These are legal organizations in Europe. They shall be organized in accordance with the law and shall abide them. They should organize themselves according to the laws of the country they live in.
The model in Turkey is a Democratic Society, its headquarters is in Diyarbakir. The lawyers there must have information on the legal issues arising. They can organize themselves in accordance. This is not KCK tough. KCK is something completely different. DTK is different. KCK organizes itself and creates its own space. DTK on the other hand is different and is in accordance with the laws. BDP too is into politics in accordance with the laws. BDP’s legal arena is lawful political arena and organizes itself all around Turkey. It not only organizes itself in Kurdistan but also in the West and everywhere else. It tries to construct itself as a party of Turkey. Hence it organizes itself upon such a perspective. DTK should work in the region and together with Turkey it should even work in Iran, Iraq, Syria and Middle East. I would hence like to send my greetings to all our people in Iran, Iraq and Syria. They should make an effort to develop their own democratic unions and organization. They should work to this end and I wish them all the success.”
“I repeat my proposal that a Democratic Nation Congress is held in Iraq. There must be attendance to this congress from everywhere. Indeed this is the Democratic Nation Congress. It should be handled as a congress not a conference. The congress should take place around the five theoretical and three practical instruments that I had previously mentioned. These must be the instruments of the Congress. If it is handled in this way the Congress shall be successful. I greet all our people once again.”
“I think the local government conference of BDP has taken place. I wish them well in all their endeavors. I think there shall also be the Women’s Conference sometime soon. As a result I would like to say these in relation to them: Women and women’s awareness has advanced so muc and has reached a certain level. I would like to reiterate my belief that woman’s freedom struggle shall succeed. The Woman’s freedom struggle shall attain success. Our freedom struggle that is being waged along the axis of woman gender shall also succeed with the strength it gains from the woman’s freedom struggle. I have full confidence in this. The woman’s freedom struggle shall empower the general freedom struggle. I therefore send my greeting to all the women. I would also like to thank the women from Izmir and send my greetings. I greet all our people in Europe, those who work in Roj TV in the newspaper Günlük in Turkey.”
“I had made another call to the breakaways on the occasion of 21 March, Newroz. I would like to repeat this call. They may have criticism, they may criticise me or my thoughts. These maybe discussess there is nothing more natural. They can make their ciriticisms. Some may have contradictions, and others maybe waiting for a call from me to come back. I would like to repeat my call to those who have breaken away from us but have not been in extreme contradictions. They should experince a right and recovery process within themselves. They should try to unite around our movement and strengthen it. If not they can not cope with the developments alone and shall be suppressed by the system. This system shall suffocate them. This is why they should think about re-joining. They should at least make an effort. I call on all those who are in such a situation no matter where they are, in Iran, Iraq, Syria, Europe or Turkey, to re-unite around our struggle.”
“There was apparently a youngster who had burnt himself in Greece. His name is Siyar Bozkurt. He had apparently burnt himself because of my situation. But this was a while ago not now. I just heard about it and I am so sorry. He was apparently in his final year of University and was to graduate that year. I commemorate him with much respect. This young man’s, Siyar Bozkurt’s memory must be kept alive. A book should be published on his life and memoirs. These are important values of ours and we should appreciate their meaning. There was also a friend called Viyan who set fire to herself. I believe she is from the South of Kurdistan. She sets fire to herself when there was no news of me for three months. On such an occasion I would also like to commemorate her. I, in the previous weeks had mentioned that I commemorate Evrim Alatas, Zeynep and Müslüm with much respect. Indeed I would like to commemorate all comrades who lost their lives with my deepest respects. There seems to be an open letter published by Vedat Türkali addressed to the Prime Minister. The contributions of Vedat Türkali and other intellectuals are important in the resolution of the problems in Turkey. They indeed should make their own contributions with their proposals and support. It is of dire importance. I would hence like to send my greetings. The analysis made by Ayşe Hür is correct. Because there were no steps taken to resolve the question PKK has become stronger then ever. PKK has now attained a strength unmatched to any other period.”
Öcalan concluded by saying: I had requested Andre Gunder Frank’s book called the Re-Orient. I have received the Dipnot magazine. I find the level attained positive. There are some good articles there. I had previously requested the book called Three thousand Years of Struggle in relation to the Armenians. As far as I know it was published by the Cumhuriyet Publishers. I receoved a book on China. There seems to be a new book in relation to Russia. There are some biographical books around and also books on the Ottoman sultans and the social circles that surround the palaces. Previously they would not give the books written on the Turki figures but they may now. There is also a new book on the Progress and Union Committee. I would also like to thank and send greering to those who sent me letters on the occasions of 21 March and 4 April. I have special greeting to comrades in prisons. From the Erzurum Prison Cahit İlboğa is writing to me often and I think he should continue with his work because the contents are quite good. I wish him all the success and send my greetings. I also received the letter from Ayfer Aycicek and her four friends, their focus is good, they should continue in their endeavors. I know that they will succeed. I received another letter from Rize-Kalkandere, please give my greetings. I received the letter of Nesimi Kalka from Diyarbakır prison. His letter was in relation to economy and was really good. Another friend who is seriously ill has written a letter which was more like a will. I can reassure him that we shall continue with our struggle and shall succeed. Our struggle shall attain success. I hope that he is reassured at this point. I send him my very special greetings. I also recieved a letter from Hüseyin Musto who is originally from the Syrian Kurdistan. I would like to greet all our people in Syria via him. I would like to send my greetings to all my comrades in Batman, Mardin, Siirt, Diyarbakır and all the other prisons. I greet all those who sent me letter on the occassion of the 4th of April and 21st of March. I receive many letters with good and advanced contents. Suat and his four friends are writing well. These kind of letters that I have mentioned can be published in various magazines. They must be given the chance to express themselves as well. They are quite capable in expressing themselves. I send my special greetings to our people in Kars-Göle and Dersim.”
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On the night of 27th of April, 2010, at 21:00 hour, a clash occurred in between our guerrillas and Turkish state army in the area of Sikere Xapuske/Semdinli/Hakkari, while the Turkish state army wanted to cross the border and wanted to get into the Medya Defence Areas. As a result of this clash six (6) soldiers belongs to the enemy forces have been killed and the army forces repulsed.
The Press Liasion Center – HPG
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On 24th and 25th of April, 2010, in between the hours of 12:00 noon- 13:00, the Turkish state army bombarded the areas of Dola Bira and Mambene in Zagros/the Medya Defence Areas, with obus and mortars.
The Press Liasion Center – HPG
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