Народные силы самообороны


On 19 January, our forces have nothing to the with the attack occurred in the city of Hakkari, where a Kurdish youth lost his life as a result of bomb attack.
This attack is a part of continuing attacks of the colonist fascist Turkish state, which began against our people in Roboski massacre, where 34 of our people massacred. This is a part of an new annihilation concept of the state, have been put it into practise in order to target the honour and resistance of people living in Botan region and in all Kurdistan. This practises came after state's official statements, which they made several times, saying that 'we will have special approach in Sirnak and Hakkari'.
Such attack can not be even thought to be carried out by our forces because the people living in the city of Hakkari, whome several times defeated the state of Turkey and known close to the Freedom Movement. Also, if you put into account the present winter conditions as well, then it could be seen such attack couldn't be carried out by our forces. The Mayor of fascist state have had accused our movement and guerrillas before even any investigation made also a proof that the state wants to cover up a new massacre and do not want this to be enlighten.
Beginning with our patriotic people of Hakkari and all our people in Kurdistan should be sensitive against such attampts of massacres by the state of Turkey, and and carry out all kind of investigations against the perpetrates for these attacks within the frame of self-defence line.
HPG Media and Communication Center