Народные силы самообороны


The reports have been reflected to the press that there has been intensive clashes occurred in between our guerrillas and the colonist Turkish state army in the area of Cudi, the district of Silopi/Sirnak, in between 16-23 December, 2011. And, also has been reflected that some corpses of those reached to their testimony have been taken to the city of Malatya.

As a result of circumstances of the winter conditions and also due to that clerifying the I.D. details, we, now, could be able to announce the testimonies of our comrades. As a result of these clashes, our comrade named Sadun Edessa (Ahmet Olcay) also reached to his testimony.

The I.D. Details of our Comrade;

Code Name: Sadun Edessa

Real Name: Ahmet Olcay

Year and Place of Birth: 1981/Urfa

Name of Mother: Nazli

Name of Father: Ahmet

Year and Place of Participation: 2002/Urfa

Date and Place of Martry: 16-23 December, 2011/ Cudi,Sirnak

HPG Media and Communication Center
