Народные силы самообороны

To our People and the Public!

The Freedom Struggle of Kurdistan left behind the year 2011, and began a new period of struggle. The year 2012 shows from now on that will be the year of resistance and stronger active struggle for the realization of the freedoms for the people of Kurdistan.

The year 2011 was the year of magnificant resistance and with martrydom which able us to be more decisive in all areas of our struggle. Since beginning of the year, enemy carried out its most rabid and brutal attacks with all its technical ability, and with no ethical values at all. Against all these attacks a strong resistance shown in all areas from North to South and East Kurdistan, which made enemy to step back. The Republic of Turkey and akp government made a wrong calculation and approached very careless to get a result from this war by depending its technologhy.

The Turkish state army tryed to show how they get a great victory by using our looses and hiding its great looses from the society. Yet, the year 2011 was a year the Freedom Struggle of Kurdistan became more stronger. Our Martrys of Mazlums, Bazs, Simkos, Ciceks, Rustems and Alisers became a guarantee of our Freedom Struggle's word for successive march towards the victory.

First of all aggravated isolation on our Leader, attacks on ou guerrillas with chemical weapons, the operations carried out against our people and their organizations were developed fearlessly as a result of the new concept of genocide. The latest Roboski Massacre revealed its true face to this end.

As the HPG, certainly, we welcome the year 2012, with great lessons learnt in 2011 and more stronger and stable guerrilla struggle. Our struggle year of 2012 will be an intensive year for the peak of the People's Revolutionary War, and will be the struggle for the Freedom of our Leader and Freedom of Kurdistan.

The Report of the War for the Year 2011 as Follows;

Military Operations: 236

Cobra type helicopter attacks: 68

Air-Raids: 126

Obus and mortar attacks: 250

Clashes: 45

Enemy killed: 505

Destroyed Vehicles: 58

Confiscated Material belongs to enemy: 45

Bush-fires as a result of enemy attacks: 43

Actions carried out by our Guerrillas: 167

Martryd Guerrillas: 165

Guerrillas captivated by enemy: 22

Capted soldier, police, people works for enemy and teachers: 55

Also, as a result of air-raids and artillary attacks carried out by enemy;

- More than 50 civilians killed and tens of them wounded,

- Many times the wine yards and gardens belongs to the villagers have been damaged.

Note; the number of martryd and captive guerrillas during the military operations in Bingol and Cudi do not included in this report due to details are not still present because of the winter conditions. And, we will share the details with our people and public as soon as we get them.

The HPG Central Command
