1- On 30 August in between 00:00-01:00 hours, the Turkish state army carried obus and mortar attack on the areas of Sehit Adar, Dola Betalma and Sehit Kemal/Haftanin/the Medya Defence Areas. As a result fire began in the area which still continues.
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1- On 28 August at around 06:30 hour, our guerillas carried an action against a military convoy in between the Villages of Tirenus and Derbane/Hakkari, which was heading to the Bezele Military Station. As a result of this action, 3 enemy soldiers killed and 5 others wounded by our guerrillas.
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Ji çapemenî û raya giştî re!
Di 26’ê Tebaxê de li Dersimê di navbera navçeyên Çemişgezek û Xozatê li dijî Malaxwedê û Derekoyu, cihên stratejîk ji aliyê Artêşa TC’ê hatiye girtin. Di 30’ê Tebaxê de li dijî leşkerên dijmin ên ji qereqola Amutka derketine ji aliyê gerîla yê me çalakiyek hatiye lidarxistin.
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To the Press and the Public
On August 17 at around 20.00 until the noon on August 18 air strikes have being carried out by the Turkish military aircraft by the order of the AKP government on Kandil, Xakurkê, Xinêrê, Zap, Zagros and Metina areas in the Media Defence Areas. As a result of the air attacks HPG forces have no losses at all. There had been dozens of attacks before by the fascist army of the Turkish Republic, despite the realization that the attacks could not get any results.
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1- On 17 August in between 15:00-16:30 hours, the Turkish state army carried air-raids on the areas of the Hill of Sehit Beritan, the Straits of Karker and Telefon, and the Hill of Sehit Kurtay/Xakurke/the Medya Defence Areas.
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1- On 22 August in between 10:30-14:00 hours, war planes belongs to the Turkish state army carried an air raid on the area of Kasura, the Villages of Deresis and Sararo/Haftanin/the Medya Defence Areas. As a result of this air raid, the gardens and fields belongs to the villagers have been greately damaged.
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On 16 August at 11:50 hour, our guerrillas carried an action against a vehicle which was carrying lojistical needs to the enemy on the Hill of Cum/Lice/Amed. As a result of this action, 2 soldiers came to beside vehicle have been killed by our guerrillas.
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1- On 23 August, our guerrillas carried an action against the enemy soldiers who were returning from road check in between the military stations of Tine and Kalende/in between the district of Ergani and the Mnt. of Maden/Amed. As a result of this action, Reo type military vehicle contains 15 enemy soldiers have been destroyed together with soldiers.
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1- On 20 August in between 06:00-09:00 hours, the Turkish state army brought new enforcment of soldiers with four scorscy type helicopters to the Hills of Late Kewa, Bilican and Gire/Cele/Hakkari. There has been preparation for a comprehensive military operation in the area.
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1- On 19 August in between 00:00-01:00 hours, the colonist Turkish state army carried an air raid on the Hill of Masiro/Xakurke/the Medya Defence Areas. As a result of this air raid, a bush fire began in the area which still continues. No looses from the guerrilla forces.
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