To the Press and the Public Opinion!
We have lost contact with 35 friends due to the air strikes started on 22 October that lasted for three days in the areas of Guze Rese and Gunde Pıre in Cukurca-Hakkari. It is clear that 24 friends from 35 are martyred. 24 corpses kept in Malatya Forensic Morgue belong to our friends. We can not contact the 11 friends and we have not received any information whether they are alive or not.
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To our People and Public Opinion!
Many concocted and untrue news items have been put into circulation following the ‘Martyr Çiçek Revolutionary Operation’ we carried out in Çukurca to avenge the killing of comrades Rüstem, Çiçek and Alişer by the colonialist Turkish Armed Forces.
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1- On 24 October in between 07:00-09:00 hours, the colonist Turkish state army's tanks carried out attacks on the Hills of Mergesis and Partizan/Haftanin/the Medya Defence Areas.
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1- On 24 October in between 14:30-17:00 hours, the war-planes belongs to the colonist Turkish state army carried out air-raids on the Hills of Axin and Hakkari/Metina/the Medya Defence Areas.
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1- The colonist Turkish state army's troops entered into the surrounding area of the Village of Ore/Kasura/Haftanin/the Medya Defence Areas, on 25 October at around 11:00 hour. And as a result of resistance by our guerrillas clashes occurred.
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1- On 21 October, the colonist Turkish state army launched a military operation in the areas of Geliye Xarcik, Uzuntarla, Zage, Dokuzkayalar and Hingirvan/Dersim. On 22 October, while the military operation partially pulled back, the hidden troops still continuing their search and ambushes in the area.
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1- On 21 October in between 17:00-19:00 hours, the colonist Turkish state army carried out obus and mortar attack on the areas of Sehit Beritan, Sehit Kurtay and the Straits of Telefon/Xakurke/the Medya Defence Areas.
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On 19October at around 01:00 hour, our guerrillas carried out a military manoeuvre against the 18 colonist enemy targets in the centre of the district of Cukurca/Hakkari and mountain areas. This extensive military manoeuvre has been carried out by our guerrilla forces for memory of our comrade, Member of the HPG Council, Cicek Botan, who reached her testimony in the Xinera area as a result of air-raids carried out by the colonist Turkish state army. As a result, over a hundred enemy soldiers has been hit and tens of enemy soldiers disabled from the battle and, while many military equipments of the enemy destroyed, many military weapons have been confiscated by our guerrilla forces.
During Martryd Cicek Revolutionary Manoeuvre 5 of our comrades reached to their testimony during clashes, with a great spirit of fedaiin assault against the colonist enemy. Also, 2 of other our comrades reached to their testimony by shoving brave resistance during the clashes occurred in the daylight of other day while waiting to face enemy. The heroic martrys of this progress reaches from East Kurdistan to West Kurdistan and to North Kurdistan, who owned and paid for this struggle with their lifes and reached to their testimony.
The I.D. Details of our Mrtryed Comrades of the Martryd Cicek Revolutionary Manoeuvre are as Follow;
Code Name: Agit Rojhilat
Real Name: Rahim Yusuf
Year and Place of Birth: 1989/Xoy
Name of Mother: Sitti
Name of Father: Muhammed
Year and Place of Participation: 2005/Xoy
Date and Place of Martry: 19 October 2011/Cukurca, Hakkari
Code Name: Kamuran Serbest
Real Name: Zeki Savgin
Year and Place of Birth: 1987/Amed
Name of Mother: Azize
Name of Father: Ali
Year and Place of Participation: 2005/ Mardin
Date and Place of Martry: 19 October 2011/Cukurca, Hakkari
Code Name: Kani Urmiye
Real Name: Muhammed Hatemi
Year and Place of Birth: 1985/Maku
Name of Mother: Kamer
Name of Father: Zulfeli
Year and Place of Participation: 2007/Urmiye
Date and Place of Martry: 19 October 2011/Cukurca, Hakkari
Code Name: Rohat Artes
Real Name: Ciwan Kecel
Year and Place of Birth: 1988/Kobani
Name of Mother: Fatma
Name of Father: Sex Muhammed
Year and Place of Participation: 2007/Kobani
Date and Place of Martry: 19 October 2011/Cukurca, Hakkari
Code Name: Serdar Berxwedan
Real Name: Numan Temoyi
Year and Place of Birth: 1990/Salmas
Name of Mother: Cine
Name of Father: Isa
Year and Place of Participation: 2006/Salmas
Date and Place of Martry: 19 October 2011/Cukurca, Hakkari
Code Name: Viyan Tolhildan
Real Name: Pervane Delayi
Year and Place of Birth: 1990/Salmas
Name of Mother: Ismet
Name of Father: Tajdin
Year and Place of Participation: 2007/Salmas
Date and Place of Martry: 19 October 2011/Cukurca, Hakkari
Code Name: Zinar Xeribo
Real Name: Erhan Sucai
Year and Place of Birth: 1988/Van
Name of Mother: Fatma
Name of Father: Mecit
Year and Place of Participation: 2005/Van
Date and Place of Martry: 19 October 2011/Cukurca, Hakkari
We openly declare to our people and democratic public that we will continue to posses the great resistance and feddaiian spirit which shown by our comrades Viyan Tolhildan, Agit Rojhilat, Kamuran Serbest, Kani Urmiye, Rohat Artes, Serdar Berxwedan and Zinar Xaribothe in all areas of Freedom Strugle of Kurdistan with a very high morale and exuberance, and we call on all our people to owne and to be clamped together around these great martrys of our revolutaionary resistance in all four parts.
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To Our People and the Public Opinion!
Our heros- the guerrillas successfully realized all enemy targets in the revolutionary campaign from 18-20 October in (Hakkari) in Çelen (Cukurca). A crushing blow to the Turkish army and its special operations troops has showed once again to everyone the power and the invincibility of Kurdistan Freedom Guerrillas. In our revolutionary move where more than one hundred soldiers were killed and wounded in Turkey, more than hundred were not in a state to take part in the war. Seven heroic guerrillas of ours have been martyred.
Our revolutionary Çele Movement that shook the very foundations of the AKP ruling and the revolutionary actions rising from Garzan to Serhat and from Dersim to Amanos are rising in Kurdistan due to the fact that;
- Our Leader Abdullah Ocalan for about three months is facing aggravated isolation and torture
- While the fascist terror on the Kurdish people continue, there is a political genocide on Kurdish politicians and the patriotic-democrats,
-Since August 17 Turkish warplanes carried out air attacks against the media, and particularly on September 28 in Xakurke in the Defense Areas in excess of three hours and despicable attacks were carried out and a result, the PKK and KCK Executive Council member Rustem Cudi, the PKK HPG-YJA Star Council member Çiçek Botan, HPG Military Council member Alîşêr Koçgiri, Nazlıcan-the squadron commander, Dr. Amara, Roj Amara and Ashraf are brutally murdered.
This recent campaign has been carried out by our Freedom Guerillas as a retaliatory campaign against the AKP government’s decision for a ground attack in South Kurdistan for which President Abdullah Gul gave the start of it. In addition to this, our people will be informed about the fallen comrades in Xakurke as soon as possible.
Heroic actions carried out by our guerrilla forces on the basis of revolutionary people's war provided an honorable answer against the AKP's army and police’s fascist repression and terror imposed on the Kurdish. Especially the Kurdish people and all democratic forces will be defended against the AKP fascism.
Our revolutionary attack was a blow to the attempts and the threat of the Turkish army operations in South Kurdistan, and has largely wasted. This was a response to the threats from Arab nationalism and the Turkish fascism to our people in the western and southern parts of Kurdistan. The HPG guerillas will always defend our people in the West and South against all kinds of threats and attacks against our people in the West and South Kurdistan.
These revolutionary actions, also saluted and supported our people’s resistance of the Quandil in Eastern Kurdistan under the leadership of PJAK-HRK.
The revolutionary actions carried out by our guerrilla forces was a blow to the deadlock in the Kurdish question and has played a role in opening the way for a democratic solution. These actions took the building of democratic autonomy and move of freedom to Leader APO to the summit.
Let us say to those who celebrate when a Kurd and a PKK member dies but swears when a Turkish soldier or a police dies that, everyone has the right to live and be free. Kurds, just like everyone else decisive to obtain and use this right.
As a result, once again we remember our martyrs who fought a heroic struggle for freedom with respect and gratitude. We call upon all the people of Kurdistan, youth and women to raise the resistance and to live the memories of immortal commanders Rustem, Çiçek and Alişer who dedicated their valuable and dignified lives to the struggle for freedom in Kurdistan!
We state once again that our move to build Democratic autonomy and Freedom to Leader Apo will continue until the final results are achieved!
The HPG Central Command
21 October 2011
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1- On 17 October, cobra type helicopters belongs to the colonist Turkish state army bombarded the area of Kaxperi/Dersim.
2- The colonist Turkish state army carried obus and mortar attack on the area of Sehit Beritan/Xakurke/the Medya Defence Areas, on 17 October in between 20:00-21:00 hours and on 18 October in between 02:00-03:00 hours.
3- The colonist Turkish state army carried obus and mortar attack on the area of Geliya Res/Xakurke/the Medya Defence Areas, on 17 October in between 21:00-22:00 hours and on 18 October in between 01:00-02:00 hours.
4- On 17 October in between 13:00-14:00 hours, the colonist Turkish state army carried obus and mortar attack on the area of Ciyares/Zap/the Medya Defence Areas.
5- On 17 October in between 13:00-14:00 hours, the colonist Turkish state army carried out obus and mortar attack on the areas of Sehit Kemal, Sehit Seyhmuz and Sehit Mervan/Haftanin/the Medya Defence Areas.
6- On 18 October in between 00:00-02:00 hours, the colonist Turkish state army carried obus and mortar attack on the areas of Bezenike, Gire Neriya, Sehit Renas, Dola Betalma, Sehit Kemal and, the Hills of Kecel, Heliz and Partizan/Haftanin/the Medya Defence Areas.
7- The Guerrilla HQ of Dersim Area made a announcement that their guerrillas do not have anything to do with killing of person named Veysi Sarisaltik on 14 October in the district of Hozat/Dersim, who was carrying bread to the army station. Our guerrillas did not carry out any action what so ever in the giving place and time.
8- For a while now, a group of contra who wears our guerrilla clothings, have been carrying out road check-up in the area of Gelisim/Semdinli/Hakkari. Our people have to be sensitive and careful to thse contra troops.
9- Our guerrillas have nothing to do with shooting on the Village guards in the area of Rubarok/Semdinli/Hakkari, on 16 October. This shooting has been carried out by Contra groups in the area in order to create a provacation.
HPG Press and Communication Center
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