Народные силы самообороны

1- On 19 August in between 00:00-01:00 hours, the colonist Turkish state army carried an air raid on the Hill of Masiro/Xakurke/the Medya Defence Areas. As a result of this air raid, a bush fire began in the area which still continues. No looses from the guerrilla forces.
2- On 19 August in between 00:00-01:00 hours, the colonist Turkish state army carried out an attack with cobra helicopters against the Mnt. Tanin/Uludere/Sirnak.
3- On 18 August in between 22:00-22:30 hours, the colonist Turkish state army carried air raids on the areas of Geliye Res, Masiro and the Valley of Gumruk/Xakurke/the Medya Defence Areas. There are no guerrilla looses as a result of this air raids.
4- On 18 August in between 18:00-19:00 hours, the colonist Turkish state army carried obus and mortar attack on the areas of Mam Reso, Stune, Sehit Dijwar/Zagros/the Medya Defence Areas. Aftermath of this attack, a bush fire began in the area of Sehit Dijwar, which still continous.
5- On 18 August in between 22:00-22:30 hours, the colonist Turkish state army carried out air raids on the Hill of Mam Reso, the Valleys of Avasin and Basya and the area of Dola Hesaba/Zagros/the Medya Defence Areas. As a result of this air raid, belongings and animals of the Villagers greatly damaged. There are no guerrilla looses.
6- On 18 August in between 14:00-19:00 hours, the colonist Turkish state army carried obus and mortar attack on the areas of Ciyaye Res, the Hills of Cehennem, Angola, Ferhat, Sehit Zeki, Sehit Cihat and Karker, the area of Sikefta Birindara, Resme, Kinyanis and the village Nerveh/Zap/the Medya Defence Areas. As aresult of these attacks, bush fires began in these areas, which are still continues.
7- On 18 August in between 09:00-12:00 hours, an attempt of an air raid by F-16 war planes belongs to the colonist Turkish state army on the region of Zap/the Medya Defence Areas, retriated after strong guerrilla air defence retaliation.
8- From 18 August at 21:30 hour to 19 August at 01:00 hour, the colonist Turkish state army carried air raids on the areas of Cemco, the Cemetries of Martryes in both Zap and Cemco, the Villages of Sida, Kokere and Besebe, the Valley of Kuro Jaro and the Bridge of Baluk on the River of Zap/Zap/the Medya Defence Areas. As a result of these air raids, the Bridge of Baluka and the Cemetry of Cemco have been destroyed. There are no looses from the guerrilla forces.
9- On 18 August at 15:00 hour, our guerrilla forces carried out mortrar attack on the military stations of both Siker and Gire/Cukurca/Hakkari in retaliation of obus and mortar attacks carried out against the Medya Defence Areas by the colonist Turkish state army. As a result of this retaliation action by the guerrilla forces, 4 mortar shell hit the positiones of the enemy soldiers on the Hills and looses of the enemy soldiers couldn't be able to clerified.
10- On 18 August, a clash occurred in between our guerrillas and the operational forces belongs to the Turkish state army in the Triangle of the Iksor/Central Dersim. We will be sharing the details of this clash and the operation which is still continues as we receive.
11- On 18 August, the colonist Turkish state army launched a military operation by landing its soldiers on the Hill sides of the Village of Hengirvan (Karagol)/Central Dersim. The operation still continues.
12- On 18 August in between 18:00-20:00 hours, the colonist Turkish state army carried obus and mortar attack on the Straits of Telefon, the Hills of Koordine, Fedai and Karker, the areas of Sehit Ahmet and Sehit Sarya, and the Village of Misoloke/Zagros/the Medya Defence Areas. As a result of these attacks, bushfires began in these areas which are still continues.
HPG Press and Communication Center