Народные силы самообороны


1- On 8th of September, 2010, in between 13:00-15:00 hours, 4 cobra attack helicopters belongs to the Turkish state army bombarded the Hill of Kotoye Orte / Hakkari.

2- On 8th of September, 2010, in between 10:00-11:30 and 18:00-20:00 hours, the Turkish state army carried a obus and mortar attack against the Hill of Betalme, the Valley of Betalme, Sule, and the villages of Kato Sule and Nizure/Haftanin/the Medya Defence Areas. As a result of this attack, a fire began in the area of Kato Sule, which still continues.

3- On 8th of September, 2010, in between 07:30-08:30 hours, the Turkish state army carried a obus and mortar attack on the Hill and surrounding area of Sikefta Birindara/Zap/the Medya Defence Areas.

4- On 6th of September, 2010, the Turkish state army launched a military operation in the areas of Bileh, Binevs, Derzengile and Geliye Lewine/Hakkari. The operation carried out by central commandment and coordinated by the Commander of the Land Forces, Erdal Ceylanoglu, and without the knowledge of the army stations in the region. The Turkish army carried out intensive search and ambushes, brought extra obus, mortars and heavy weaponary together air-landed forces to the area before the military operation starts. The area where our guerrillas placed themselves have been heavily bombarded with war-planes, cobra type attack helicopters and as well as obus and mortars. As a result of this attack of the Turkish state army, our 9 guerrillas have reacjed to martry after brave resistance. Later, we will be announcing the I.D. details of our martered guerrillas as we clerify it. The operation in the area still continues. Also, Our Central Commandment have had announced that a retalliation action will be carried out in memory of our 9 martered guerrillas and their weapons will not be let it down on the ground.

The Press Liaison Center - HPG
