Народные силы самообороны


1- On 2nd of September, 2010, in between 16:00-17:00 hours, the Cobra type attack helicopters belongs to the Turkish state army bombarded the areas, in between the triangle of Pulumur/Dersim and Yedisu,Kigi/Bingol, of Gabzo, Bagir, Sehit Cihat, Gole, Sehit Hesen and Sirkut.

2- On 2nd of September, 2010, in between 10:00-11:00 hours, the Turkish army carried a obus and mortar attack on the area of Ertus/Zap/the Medya Defence Areas. As a result of this attack a fire began in the area, which still continues.

3- On 3rd of September, 2010, in between 14:00-16:00 hours, the Turkish state army carried a obus and mortar attack on the Hill of Havan and Hillsides of Petrot/Zap/the Medya Defence Areas.

4- In early morning hours of 1st of September, 2010, the Turkish state army launched a military operation with the participation of both civil and military vehicles in the areas of Golik and Goma Nado/Varto/Mus. The operation pulled back on night hours of the same day without any result.

5- On 1st of September,2010, at 18:15 hours, a clash occurred in between our guerrillas and the operational forces of the Turkish state army on the Mount Tendurek, near by the villages of Gire Dem and Gorde (Boztepe)/Diyadin/Agri. As a result of this clash, our guerrillas named Bawer Mus (Fesih Ozkurt) and Brusk Ezman reached to martery after a brave resistance.

The I.D. Details of Our Martered Guerrillas are as Follow:

Bawer - Fesih Ozkurt

Code Name: Bawer Mus

Real Name: Fesih Ozkurt

Year and Place of Birth: 1983/Mus

Year and Place of Participation: 2003/Mus

Name of Mother: Fazile

Name of Father: Ismail

Date and Place of Martery: 1st of September, 2010 / Diyadin, Agri

Brusk - Ahmet Salih Yildirim

Code Name: Brusk Rizgari

Real Name: Ahmet Salih Yildirim

Year and Place of Birth: 1987/Agri

Year and Place of Participation: 2004/Agri

Name of Mother: Hanim

Name of Father: Huseyin

Date and Place of Martery: 1st of September, 2010 / Diyadin, Agri 

The Press Liaison Center - HPG
