Народные силы самообороны


1- On 19 October at around 01:00 hour, our forces carried a military operation named Sehit Cicek Revolutanary Operation against the military targets in the central district of Cukurca/Hakkari; the Bilican army station and its 4 security Hills; The Battalions of Xantepe, Eris, Sere seve; The Gire military station; the Hills of Maruka and Orte.

* Our guerrilla forces targeted the Police HQ, the house of TOKI and Policeman in the district of Cukurca. As a result while 2 cabins at the police houses destroyed, many number of policeman hit by our forces. As a result of clashes occurred here 1 of our friend bravely reached testimony.

* As a reult of our forces action against the military station and security building, where 50 soldiers positioned, these both places have been taken under control by our forces. 15 soldiers have been hit in these both places and 3 HK-33 weapons and 1 walkie-talkie confiscated by our forces. Also, 2 Hedgehog type of vehicle parked in the garden of military station destroyed and many number of vehicles damaged.

* As a result of the actions carried out against the Cukurca Brigade and the Hill of Sute, many numbers of enemy soldiers killed. Aftermath of the action the sorscy type helicopters belongs to the enemy carried away their killed and wounded soldiers 6 times.

* As a result of action carried against the Bilican Regiment by our guerrilla forces, where more than 100 military tents placed, while 2 tenths destroyed, many number of tenths have been damaged. In this action, many numbers of enemy soldiers have been hit, yet the number couldn't be able to clerified.

* Our guerrillas also carried an action against the Xantepe Battalion and as a result many numbers of enemy positions have been dameged by our guerrillas. The clashes here continued until day light and by then the enemy soldiers here made ineffective by our forces. As a result of this action carried out against the Xantepe Battalion, many number of enemy soldiers hit by our guerrillas yet the number of killed and wounded enemy soldiers couldn't be able to clerified.

* Our guerrillas also carried actions against the Bilican Regiment, enemy positions on the Hills of Sehit Saho and Sehit Kawa. As a result while many enemy soldiers hit, 2 tanks, many military tents and positions of enemy soldiers damaged by our guerrillas.

* Also our guerrillas carried actions against the positions of enemy soldiers on 2 Hills in the triangle of Marufa in between Marufa military station and the Bilican Battalion. As a result of these actions, while many enemy soldiers hit on the 1.st Hill, the scorscy type helicopters carried away their killed and wounded soldiers 2 times.

The action carried out on the 2.nd Hill turned into a clash which took for an hour. Aftermath of the clashes, the Hill completely taken over by our guerrillas. Our guerrillas have had found 35 corpses of the enemy soldiers. Also, 3 big position and 1 big squad of enemy destroyed by our guerrillas and many numbers of military equipment and weapons destroyed by our guerrillas. Again, 15 G-3, 2 MG-3, 1 Bomb-thrower, 2 binoculers confiscated by our guerrillas. As a result of clashes occurred here while 60 enemy soldiers killed, 4 of our friends bravely reached to their testimony.

* Our guerrillas also carried out actions against the 2 military patrol vehicle, which were patrolling in between the Regiment and the Battalion, and the military vehicles came for as enforcement. As a result, enemy vehicles became inaffective by our guerrillas. The number of killed and wounded soldiers couldn't be able to clerified.

* At 03:00 hour, the scorscy type enemy helicopters attempted to air-land their soldiers on the Hills, yet our guerrillas targeted these helicopters and as a result couldn't air-land enemy troops on the Hills. Aftermath, the enemy soldiers air-landed its troops on the Hillsides of Helwesis under the air support of cobra helicopters where our guerrillas carried their action against these enemy troops. As a result of these actions 5 enemy soldiers killed. Also, as a result of clashes here 2 of our guerrillas bravely reached their testimony.

* In the hours of daylight, the enemy helicopters attempted to air-land enemy troops and as result of guerrilla actions 2 cobra type helicopters have been hit and damaged and flew away. The clashes in this area continued until late night.

* Our guerrillas carried an action against the Eris Battalion with heavy weapons. The number of killed and wounded soldiers couldn't be able to clerified.

* Also our guerrillas carried an assasination action on the Hill of Maruka belongs to the Eris Battalion, where 1 enemy soldier killed by our guerrillas.

* Our guerrillas also carried mortar attack in both night and day hours on the Sere Sewe Battalion. As a result of these mortar attacks many number of enemy positions have been pounded and damaged. The number of killed and wounded soldiers couldn't be able to clerified.

* Our guerrillas carried out an action against positions of the enemy on the Hill of Orte belongs to the Sere Seve Battalion. The number of killed and wounded enemy soldiers couldn't be able to clerified.

* Our guerrillas carried actions against the military stations of Siker and Gire with heawy weapons. As a result of this actions, number of killed and wounded enemy soldiers couldn't clerified.

* In mean time, the war-planes and cobra type helicopters belongs to the colonist Turkish state army carried continuing air-bombardments, cannon, obus and mortar attacks against the area of actions and many areas of the Zap/the Medya Defence Areas, since our guerrilla operation began. The operations of the enemy both on air and land still continues.

Our guerrillas carried actions in all the same time against a total of 18 enemy targets and as a result, as we could clerified, total of 81 enemy soldiers killed and tens of others wounded. Again, our guerrillas confiscated 21 weapon, 1 walkie-talkie, 2 binoculers and many numbers of military equipments belongs to the enemy. As a result of clashes which still continues time to time, 5 of our guerrillas martryd on 19 of October and today we reached to another information that 2 of our guerrillas also have been martryd, alltogether a total of 7 guerrillas have been martrd.

2- On 18 October, the colonist Turkish state army launched a military operation in the areas of Kirmizidag, Beyazdag, Cat and Sarisalkim/Hozat/Dersim. The military operation pulled back on 19 October, with no result.

3- On 18 October, the colonist Turkish state army launched a military operation in the areas of Tet Kusagi and Buyukkoy/Yukari Ovacik/ Ovacik/Dersim. The military operation pulled back on 19 October, with no result.

4-On 20 October in between 06:00-08:00 hours, the war-planes belongs to the colonist Turkish state army carried out air-raids on the areas of Sehit Ayhan, Geliye Pisaxa and Bektorya/Haftanin/the Medya Defence Areas.

5- On 20 October in between 12:00-13:00 hours, the colonist Turkish state army carried out air-raids on the areas of Avasin-Basya and Gerdiya/Zagros/the Medya Defence Areas. In the same hours, they also carry out obus and mortar attack as well.

6- In the afternoon hours of 20 October, the colonist Turkish state army carried out air-raids on the areas of Gunde Keste/Metina/the Medya Defence Areas.

7- On 20 October in between 12:00-13:00 hours, the colonist Turkish state army carried out air-raids on the areas of Sehit Cihat, Kela Ertus, Kucuk Gare and Dola Xusra/Zap/the Medya Defence Areas.

HPG Press and Communication Center
