Народные силы самообороны


1- Our guerrillas carried actions against Central Regiment, Bilican Regiment and the military stations in these surrounding areas in the district of Cukurca/Hakkari, which began at 01:00 am on 19 October. According to the reports, as a result of these actions almost 100 enemy soldiers and members of special operational police have been killed and wounded, and also 21 weapons have been confiscated by our guerrillas.

Also, the positions of the enemy troops on the Hill of Bilican and the Central security have been destroyed by our guerrillas.

We will be sharing details later due to continuation of the clashes.

Also, 5 of our friends reached to their testimony after brave resistancy. We will give the I.D. details of our martryd fiends as we receive it.

Again, the colonist Turkish state army have been carrying out obus and mortar attacks beside air-raids since the action began.

2- On 18 October at around 14:00 hour, our guerrillas carried out an action against the scorpian type enemy vehicle in between the district of Norsin and Bitlis. As a result 5 policeman killed by our guerrillas. Aftermath of the action the colonist Turkish state army launched a military operation in the area where action took place. The operation still continues.

3- On 17 October, the colonist Turkish state army launched a military operation in the areas of Qulinga, Elece, Leybut, Eledag and Semersex, in the district of Kop (Bulanik)/Mus. The operation still continues.

4- On 16 October at around 22:00 hour, our guerrillas carried out a sabotage action on the Petrol Pipelines in between the districts of Midyat/Mardin and Hezex (Idil)/Sirnak. As a result of this action, great damage occurred in the pipeline and our guerrillas did not lit a fire of the spoil petrol due to civilians. Aftermath of the action, the colonost Turkish state army launched a military operation in the area. The operation still continues.

5- On 17 October at around 21:30 hour, our guerrillas carried an action against the policeman in the city centre of Sirnak. As a result 1 police killed and 3 policeman heavily wounded by our guerrillas.

6- On 18 October at around 20:50 hour, our guerrillas carried out an action a gainst a police station in the district of Dogubeyazit/Agri. Yet, the number of killed and wounded enemy couldn't be able to clerified.

7- The colonist Turkish state army carried out obus and mortar attack on the areas of Bezenike, Mergesis and Deresis/Haftanin/the Medya Defence Areas, from 18 October 21:00 hour to 19 October at 07:00 hour.

8- The war planes belongs to the colonist Turkish state army has been carrying out air-raids beside obus and mortar attacks on the whole area of Zagros/the Medya Defence Areas, since 18 October at 18:00 hour.

9- On 18 October in between 20:00-21:00 hours, the colonist Turkish state army carried air raids on the whole regions of both Xakurke and Xinere/the Medya Defence Areas.

10- On 18 October in between 21:00-22:00 hours, the war planes of the colonist Turkish state army carried out air-raids surrounding area of the Village of Enze/Qandil/the Medya Defence Areas.

11- On 18 October in between 20:00-23:00 hours, the colonist Turkish state army carried out obus and mortar attacks on the areas of Sehit Renas, Gire Neriya, Sehit Kemal and Sehit Berivan/Haftanin/the Medya Defence Areas.

HPG Press and Communication Center
