1-On 31 May at 19:30 hour, our guerrillas carried an action against the soldiers belongs to the occupier forces of the Turkish state army positioned themselves on the Hill of Gomatemira, in between the districts of Dogubeyazit and Diyadin/Agri. The action carried out against 10 soldiers while they all were together. Yet, we couldn’t be able to clerify number of killed and wounded soldiers.
2-The occupier Turkish state army intensively deploying soldier and military lojistics to the Peyanis military station/ Hakkari Central, to prepare a military operation. Also, the planes with no-pilot intensively carry out search flys as well.
HPG Media and Communication Center
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1-On 28 May at 14:00 hour, a clashed occurred in between our guerrillas and enemy operational forces belongs to the 9th Army Corps, in the district of Sarikamis/Kars. As a result, at least 3 enemy soldiers killed and many more wounded by our guerrillas.
2-On 28 May at around 20:00 hour, our guerrillas blocade the road to a military station in the area of Korxan/Igdir, which this work-yard is established under the pretext of National Park, yet they really building up a Military Battallion. As a result, three vehicles belongs to the company responsible from the work-yard have been burnt and 10 workers belongs to the work-yard of military building belongs to enemy have been arrested.
3-On 22 May, our guerrillas have had arrested 10 people nearby the Village of Bayirli, in the district of Lice/Amed, as a result of their alleged involvement to different type of offenses. As a result of investigations, it has been understood that they have no connections with allegations made and they have been released in the morning hours of 28 May.
HPG Media and Communication Center
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Number of military operations carried out by occupier forces of the Turkish state army: 31
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It has to be known that 15 y.o. Kurdish girl named Ayse Muhacir have been cold bloodily killed in front of her house, in the Suburb of Eski Kisla/Gever/Hakkari, with 8 bullets is the policy of massacre deemed proper to apply on the Kurdish people by the State of Turkey and its AKP government. The Turkish state have hihgly increased its policies of massacre by massacre hundreds of Kurdish children, as such; Ceylan Onkul, Ugur Kaymaz, Enes Ata and so on. The aim these massacres is to brake the will of the Kurdish people for struggle. It is important for all the petriotic and democratic public to approach sensitively and put a strong stand and increase its struggle against this genocide and massacre regime. The main principal of the struggle to destroy the regime of deny and annihilation is carry out resistance as broader means as possible and, to develop organizational level against all sort of denial policies and claim the duties according to this.
As a HPG Cilo Regional Commandment, give our condolences to Ayse Muhacir’s family members and our people.
HPG Cilo Regional Commandment
28 May 2012
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1-Two different contra units each made of 15 contras have been strolling around in the areas in between the districts of Caldiran/Van and Diyadin/Van and, Dogubeyazit/Agri, since 25 May.
2-A contra unit made of 20 contras have been strolling around in the area of Ceman, in the district of Beytussebap/Sirnak, since 20 May.
3-On 28 May in between 14:00-16:00 hours, our guerrillas carried out a road check-up action on the Road of Hakkari-Cukurca. As a result, our guerrillas stopped approximately 100 vehicles, I.D. check-up made and, informed the people about latest political developments.
4-On 28 May at around 17:00 hour, the cobra type helicopters belongs to the occupier force of the Turkish state army carried out bombardments on the area of Kato Marinos, Kato Orta and Kato Kawale/Hakkari Central.
5-On 26 May, the occupier force of the Turkish state army launched a military operation with ambushes, in the area of Besta/Sirnak. On 27 May, a clash occurred in between our guerrillas and operational forces of enemy in the area of Sehriban/Besta. As a result 1 enemy soldier killed and another wounded. Aftermath of clashes, while the operational enemy forces seek to pull back, our guerrillas carried out an action and, as a result 5 enemy soldiers killed and 6 others wounded. Later, the operational forces pulled out under the bombardment support of the cobra type helicopters.
6-In between the dates of 27-29 May, the occupier force of the Turkish state army carried out obus and mortar attacks on the area of Ertus, Kucuk and Buyuk Gare/Cukurca/Hakkari/within the Medya Defence Areas.
7-In the morning hours of 29 May, the occupier forces of the Turkish state army launched a military operation in the areas of Rojnek and Tevnese/Dersim Central, by air-landing its soldiers in these areas. The military operation still continues.
HPG Media and Communication Center
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On 18 May, our guerrillas arrested 6 village-guards nearby the Village of Celtikli/Bitlis Central, for their alleged involvement in the clashes occurred in the area of Sex Cuma, on 23 March. Yet, after foundings of the investigation made by our guerrillas that they did involved in the military operation launched on 23 March, but did not involved in the clashes occurred. Also, the village-guards in this area gave-up their weapons and made a statement that they will not take weapons agains, and statements made by democratic organizations. As a result of all these, they have been released. The fascist Turkish government and its army increasing their effort inorder to redevelop the village-guard system as a part of developing special warfare in Kurdistan and try to weaken Freedom Struggle of the Kurds.
All our people have to stand against the Village-guard system, which the occupier Turkish state army attempting to redevelop the system as a part of special warfare system and create internal war within our people.
We call on all those our people, who received weapon and excepted to become a village-guard, and serves to hopes of enemy to give-up all their weapons that they have taken for the village-guard system.
HPG Media and Communication Center
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1-On 17 May at around 07:30 hours, our guerrillas carried out an action against operational units of the occupier forces of the Turkish state army, which launched a military operation in the Plateus of Bilke, and the Hill of Konserve, in the district of Dortyol/Hatay. The action carried out against the Coordination of the military operation and as a result 1 Major, 1 First Lieutenant, 1 Lieutenant, 1 enemy soldier killed and 1 other soldier heavily wounded by our guerrillas. During the action, also the enemy positions and vehicles in the surrounding area have been taken under gun fire, yet the number of soldiers killed and wounded couldn’t be clerified here.
The enemy forces, which ivolved in the military operation, came to the area of operation with civilian clothings and civilian vehicles.
While the hidden units of enemy still continues to military operation by searching and ambushes in the area, the Drones also intensively carrying out survilance on the area.
2-On 16 May at around 14:00 hours, our guerrillas carried out an action against a scorscy type helicopter, which was flying in between the military stations of Besosin and Rubarok/Semxinan/Hakkari. The helicopter, which hit by our guerrillas, have beeen flew away within flames and intensive smoke coming out. Aftermath of the action, the occupier forces of the Turkish state army carried out obus and mortar attacks on the area of Xapuske.
3-On 17 May at around 16:30 hours, our guerrillas carried out an action with mortars against the Rubarok military station in the district of Semzinan/Hakkari. As a result, 1 professional sergeant, 1 Non-commisioned officer killed and 3 enemy soldiers wounded. And, 2 military vehicles also have been hit and destroyed.
Aftermath of the action, the occupier forces of the Turkish state army carried out bombardments on the Mnt. Govende both with war-planes, obus and mortars.
4-On 17 May at 04:30 hours, our guerrillas carried out two separate action against special operational enemy units belongs to the occupier Turkish state army in the surrounding area of the Village of Talisa, in the district of Cele/Hakkari. As a result of first action, 4 enemy soldiers killed. During the second action, a short clashes occurred, yet the number of killed and wounded enemy soldiers couldn’t be clerified in this case.
Aftermath of the actions, the occupier forces of the Turkish state army carried out obus and mortar attacks on the areas of the Hills of Buyuk and Kucuk Gare, and the area of Ertus, until the morning hours of 18 May.
5-On 17 May in between 18:00-21:00 hours, the occupier forces of the Turkish state army carried out obus and mortar attacks on the area of Kto Sule, the Village of Haftanin and the Hill of Sipan/Haftanin, in the district of Batufa/Zaxo, within the borders of the Medya Defence Areas.
6-On 13 May at around 23:30 hours, the occupier forces of the Turkish state army launched a military operation in the area of Senyayla/Mus by air-landing its forces and armoured vehicles in the Village of Dara Biye, in the area of Kozme. The special enemy units and the Village-guards also involved in the operation. Our guerrillas carried out an action against these operational forces of enemy on the Hillsides of Seyit Xelil, the Village of Badinek, on 14 May at around 11:30 hour. As a result of this action, 1 enemy soldier killed and 3 others wounded by our guerrillas. After the action, enemy operational forces had to pull back to the area of Sorike Sene.
On 15 May at around 19:30 hour, our guerrillas carried out another action against the operational forces of enemy on the Hillsides of the Kozme. Yet, the numbers of killed and wounded enemy soldiers couldn’t be able to clerified.
Aftermath of these actions, enemy operational forces couldn’t move on the land and based themselves in the areas of Kozme and Kaniya Kewe. And , began carrying out bombardments on the Plateus of Sere Spi, Rayle, Kerengane and Oberka with Obus, Cobra helicopter and Tanks. The village-guards of the Badike, the Village of Kiye/Kulp/Amed, Solxan and Kizilagac also actively supported enemy operations. The military operation still continues while expanding.
HPG Media and Communication Center
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1-On 23 May, our guerrillas carried out an action against a Jendarmerie officer, in the district of Varto/Mus, in retaliation against the military operations carried out in the last period. As
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The planned action against the Police HQ in the district of Pinarbasi/Kayseri have been carried out by two members of the Martryd Zilan Immortality Battalion in retaliation against the military and political attacks against the Kurdish people;
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On 22 May, the occupier forces of the Turkish state army launched a military operation in the areas of Koxteri, Deliler, Karaoglan and Bilgec, in the district of Ovacik/Dersim. On the same day at 19:30 hour, a clash occurred in between our guerrillas and operational enemy forces in the area of Koxteri. As a result, while three of our guerrilla friends reached to martry after bravely resisted, we couldn’t be able to clerify numbers of killed and wounded enemy soldiers.
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