1-On 6 June in between 20:30-23:00 hours, our guerrillas carried out Road and I.D. control on the Road of Diyarbakir-Lice. Our guerrillas have made a informative meeting with the people in regarding to developing period. Our guerrillas also arrested a soldier named Ali Sabanci, who is o duty in the Narman Jendarmerie Commandment in Erzurum.
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The war-planes belongs to the occupier Turkish state army carried out air-raids on the area of Ertus, in the district of Cukurca/Hakkari/within the Medya Defence Areas, on 5 June, in between 22:00-23:00 hours.
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1-On 2 June at around 19:45 hour, our guerrillas carried out a Road Blockage action on the Road of Amed-Bingol. During the action, our guerrillas controlled the road, made I.D. check-ups and informative talks held with the people in about Democratic Autonomy. Also, our guerrillas arrested a tourist, and after necessary processes completed tourist have been released.
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1-Our guerrillas have had arrested 10 people in the area of Korxan/Igdir, on 28 May. And, seven of these people have been relesed on 5 June after necessary processors have been completed. The investigation of other 3 still continues.
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On 15 December 2011, the occupier forces of the Turkish state army launched a military operation in the rural area of the district of Yayladere/Bingol against our guerrillas by using the heavy winter conditions. And, we have already informed the public that 8 of our guerrillas have been martryd as a result of the clashes occurred in between our guerrillas and operational enemy forces. And, we also gave the I.D. details of two guerrillas as Yilmaz Amed (Murat Cetiner) and Sarya Sores (Fatma Sayak). We also clerified the I.D. details of our 6 martryd guerrillas as follow;
Code Name: Zin Botan
Real Name: Altun Ekinci
Year and Place of Birth: 1982/Siirt
Name of Mother: Mulkiye
Name of Father: Ahmet
Year and Place of Participation: 1999/Batman
Date and Place of Martry: 15 December 2011/Yayladere, Bingol
Code Name: Peyman Afrin
Real Name: Ruken Muhammed
Place of Birth: Afrin
Name of Mother: Nazli
Name of Father: Huseyin
Year and Place of Participation: 2001/Afrin
Date and Place of Martry: 15 December 2011/Yayladere, Bingol
Code Name: Mazlum Dilges
Real Name: Behman Residi Kecelanlu
Year and Place of Birth: 1980/Maku
Name of Mother: Taviz
Name of Father: Abdulmecit
Year and Place of Participation: 2004/Maku
Date and Place of Martry: 15 December 2011/Yayladere, Bingol
Code Name: Mizgin Arman
Real Name: Leyla Pirevi
Year and Place of Birth: 1988/Urmiye
Name of Mother: Zine
Name of Father: Huseyin
Year and Place of Participation: 2004/Urmiye
Date and Place of Martry: 15 December 2011/Yayladere, Bingol
Code Name: Bahtiyar Kendal
Real Name: Veysi Karahanli
Year and Place of Birth: 1993/Amed
Name of Mother: Faike
Name of Father: Seyfettin
Year and Place of Participation: 2011/Amed
Date and Place of Martry: 15 December 2011/Yayladere, Bingol
Code Name: Delila Ciya
Real Name: Berivan Aytek
Year and Place of Birth: 1991/Amed
Name of Mother: Yildiz
Name of Father: Abdurrahman
Year and Place of Participation: 2009/Amed
Date and Place of Martry: 15 December 2011/Yayladere, Bingol
Our 8 comrades, whome participated to our Freedom Movement of Kurdistan in different periods from East to West and, West to South, are the Symbols of the Resistance have been martryd as a result of an military operation aimed to destroy by the occupier forces of the Turkish state army, on December 2011. Each of them oath to create the free future and show a determined stand of the traditional resistance culture of the Apo in their selves. And, participated to the caravan of martrys.
HPG Media and Communication Center
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On 1 June at around 13:30 hour, our guerrillas carried an action against a convoy of a occupier forces of the Turkish state army, where they launched a military operation both in Bitlis and in the area of Sina Dogan/Siirt. As a result, a vehicle together with 5 members of special teams have been destroyed and 5 members of the special teams killed by our guerrillas. The occupier forces of the Turkish state army carried away their killed and wounded soldiers with scorscy type helicopters and ambulances, and carried out bombardments on the area with cobra type helicopters. Then after, military operation launched in the area, which still continues.
HPG Media and Communication Center
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On 31 May at around 18:00 hour, our guerrillas carried out a road blocage action on the Road of Dersim-Erzincan. As a result, a vehicle with 5 passangers also stopped and 4 of them, whome works in building of the Rojnik military station, have been taken under custody, and the vehicle burnt by our guerrillas.
On 1 June, the occupier Turkish state army launched a military operation in the surrounding area of the Village of Gevrek/Dersim Central, under the support of cobra type helicopters. On the same day at around 12:00 hour, our guerrillas carried out an action against these operational forces of the enemy, and as a result 3 enemy soldiers killed and 2 others wounded. Aftermath of the action, operational forces of the occupier Turkish state army extent the military operation also to the Hillsides of the Demenan, Serkeftin and Konferans. We will be informing the public as we get details about the operation.
HPG Media and Communication Center
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1-On 7 June at around 22:40 hour, our guerrillas carried out an action against the operational forces belongs to the occupier forces of the Turkish state army, in the area in between Tirmav military station in Aricak and the district of Aricak. As a result, a Mount Deer type military vehicle have been destroyed together with 6 soldiers in it.
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We have already announced that, the occupier forces of the Turkish state army attacked against our guerrillas in the area of Cudi, in the district of Silopi/Sirnak, on 21 March 2012. As a result of intensive clashes occurred for three days, we have stated that 9 of our guerrillas have been martryd. Yet, some of our guerrillas reached to their units and as a result we have had clerified the I.D. details of our guerrilla friends who have been martryd as a result of those clashes. We have stated that folloving our guerrilla friends have been martryd: Kurtay Serhat (Yunus Diler), Aydin Cirav (Huseyin Kaya), Sahin Sipan (Yasin Musa), Ruhal Welat (Havva Meminejat), Tolhildan Yekbun (Aslihan Bilen), yet they have not and still continuing their struggle in their units. Again, we have been informed that our friend Zilan Halep (Elmas Xelil) also did not martrd in these clashes, instead she has been martryd on December 2011 together with Rubar Mardin (Seyfettin Isik) in the same incident. During three days of clashes in this area our guerrilla named Aydin (Orhan Sakar) have been wounded and taken by enemy as a prisoner. Therefore, the total number of guerrillas martryd in these three days of clashes are 5, not 9.
The I.D. Details of our martryd Guerrillas are as Follow:
Code Name: Sadik Kobani
Real Name: Adil Muhammed
Date and Place of Birth: 1967/Kobani
Name of Mother: Halime
Name of Father: Muhammed
Year and Place of Participation: 1992/Kobani
Date and Place of Martry: 21-24 March 2012 / Cudi,Silopi,Sirnak
Code Name: Refik Afrin
Real Name: Lokman Ibo
Date and Place of Birth: 1975/Afrin
Name of Mother: Mevlide
Name of Father: Hamit
Year and Place of Participation: 1993/Afrin
Date and Place of Martry: 21-24 March 2012 / Cudi,Silopi,Sirnak
Code Name: Sason Siirt
Real Name: Musa Aycicek
Date and Place of Birth: 1994/Siirt
Name of Mother: Nazile
Name of Father: Abdullah
Year and Place of Participation: 2010/Siirt
Date and Place of Martry: 21-24 March 2012 / Cudi,Silopi,Sirnak
Code Name: Tolhildan Urfa
Real Name: Yunus Mutlu
Date and Place of Birth: 1987/Urfa
Name of Mother: Ide
Name of Father: Abdulaziz
Year and Place of Participation: 2008/Urfa
Date and Place of Martry: 21-24 March 2012 / Cudi,Silopi,Sirnak
Code Name: Dozger Amed
Real Name: Mehmet Vasilcelik
Date and Place of Birth: 1982/Bismil, Amed
Name of Mother: Mensure
Name of Father: Abdurrahman
Year and Place of Participation: 2008/Amed
Date and Place of Martry: 21-24 March 2012 / Cudi,Silopi,Sirnak
HPG Media and Communication Center
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TO THE PRESS AND PUBLIC On 23 May, after our guerrillas carried out an action in the district of Varto/Mus, where they killed 1 jendarmerie officer, returned to their bases with no looses. This action carried out in retaliation against increased military operations and, aftermath the occupier forces of the Turkish state army launched a military operation in the surrounding areas of the Villages of Leylek, Rekasa and Tanzik, in the district of Varto/Mus, on 24 May. In the morning hours of 24 May, the military operation started by the enemy with air-landing its forces on the areas of Gulluce and Corsan; the Hills of Miro, Badan and Boga, and later operation extended from there on. On the same day, while a sikorsky type helicopter was air-landing the enemy units, our guerrillas carried out an action and as a result Sikorsky type helicopter have been damaged and got into flames. The helicopter attempted to fly away from the area, yet it has exploded and fall down. Aftermath of this action, the cobra type helicopters belongs to enemy carried out intensive bombardments on the area until late night hours. While the military operation continues, as a result of intensive bombardments and occasional clashes 3 of our guerrillas have been martyd. We have no connectionwith those 3 people said to be taken alive by the enemy in the area of military operation.
The I.D. Details of our Martryd Guerrillas are as Follow;
Code Name: Rumet Antep
Real Name: Mehmet Kocaakca
Date and Place of Birth: 1983/Antep
Name of Mother: Gulsum
Name of Father: Mamo
Year and Place of Participation: 2004/Antep
Date and Place of Martry: 24 May 2012 / Varto, Mus
Code Name: Jehat Agiri
Real Name: Erhan Serhat
Date and Place of Birth: 1986/Agri
Name of Mother: Cedide
Name of Father: Suleyman
Year and Place of Participation: 2005/Agri
Date and Place of Martry: 24 May 2012 / Varto, Mus
Code Name: Kendal Amed
Real Name: Muzaffer Anustekin
Date and Place of Birth: 1980/Amed
Name of Mother: Sidika
Name of Father: Sidik
Year and Place of Participation: 2007/Amed
Date and Place of Martry: 24 May 2012 / Varto, Mus
HPG Media and Communication Center
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