Народные силы самообороны


1- On 24 October in between 14:30-17:00 hours, the war-planes belongs to the colonist Turkish state army carried out air-raids on the Hills of Axin and Hakkari/Metina/the Medya Defence Areas.


2- The war-planes belongs to the colonist Turkish state army carried out air-raids on the areas of Avasin, Begalte, the Hill of Bayrak, Xapuske, Deriye Kelate, Deriye Hirce, Deriye Ceta and Govende/Zagros/the Medya Defence Areas, which began at 14:00 hour and continued until night hours of 24 October.

3- The colonist Turkish state army carried out air-raids on the areas of Avasin, Begalte, the Hill of Bayrak, Xapuske, Deriye Kelate, Deriye Hirce, Deriye Ceta and Govende/Zagros/the Medya Defence Areas, which began in the morning hours of 23 October and continued until the night hours. As a result of the attacks, which continued for 2 days, a fire began in these areas still continues.

4- The colonist Turkish state army carried out obus and mortar attacks on the area of Sesdara/Haftanin/the Medya Defence Areas, on 24 October from 23:00 hour to 25 October 01:00 hour.

5- On 24 October, our guerrillas carried out a road blockage action in the area of Zage/Harcik/Dersim. As a result, a vehicle belongs to a official of the AKP stopped, while the official taken into custody for a while and later freed, his vehicle burnt by our guerrilla forces.

6- The military operation which launched by the colonist Turkish state army against the district of Cukurca/Hakkari, on 19 October, still continues. The hidden enemy troops carrying out searh and ambushes in the area.

HPG Press and Communication Center
