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There is much discussion on Özal's death in the papers. Apparently his brother Korkut says “I have no doubt that my brother was killed, he has been killed without a doubt”. He never spoke this way, he is probably speaking more at ease since he is older and near death now; hence he speaks without fear and at ease. I had initially made this analysis. Özal was killed the day they would have met me. I was the first to say that he was killed. That period was a period of conspiracies. The murder of Özal was a conspiracy against the solution of the Kurdish issue and against us. What we experience today is quite similar to the conspiracy of the 1925s. The conspiracy of 1925 is of utmost importance. It must be understood well. The Kurds were eliminated with the 1925 conspiracy. Mustafa Kemal was then began to be besieged, he was confined to Çankaya and was rendered symbolic but ineffective. In a way he was isolated like I am here. While he was ill in bed he is informed that Ismet Inönü is dead and he leaves his children inheritance. He has been isolated to that extend. Özal was killed. Mustafa Kemal's death prior to the II. World War is also questionable. Because someone like Mustafa Kemal would have been quite decisive within the balance of powers in the II. World War. This is why there was no room for him there and then! Just as Ecevit was carried off to death before America intervened in Iraq. At the time, all these activities of besieging him was London based.

At the time there were five generals who had survived the War of Independence, they were called the “quintet generals”. Apart from one of them all were eliminated. For example Kazim Karabekir was a very skilful commander, he was eliminated. All the other generals like Rauf Orbay, Rıfat Bele and Ali Fuat Cebesoy were all eliminated. This was an important siege.

There were many important conspiracies against us as well; there are four different periods of conspiracy. The First Conspiracy Period is the one experienced with the murder of Özal: Özal was courageous in his approach to the Kurdish issue. He said “I must most definitely resolve this issue”. His son Ahmet Özal gives clear information on this topic. He says “my father wanted to resolve this issue once and for all”. At the time they besieged Özal and eliminated all those that were pro-solution to the Kurdish issue.  Many army officers such as Eşref Bitlis, Bahtiyar Aydın and their likes were killed and eliminated just because they were perceived to be pro-solution. Talabani probably knows some important details on this topic. Talabani used to say that “we think alike with Eşref Bitlis when it comes to a resolution”. Talabani had told me this in 1993. At the time there were some intellectuals like Uğur Mumcu who were also eliminated and killed.

The Second Period of Conspiracy: was during the year 1997 and 1998. At the time Erbakan was more sincere and was closer to solving the issue. Erbakan was more honest when compared to Kurtulmuş. Kurtulmuş, just like others say “we are ready for any solution that leaves Öcalan out”. This sentence alone shows where he is devoted to. In any case they have dissolved and shall not regain their strength. Erbakan also had a sincere and honest side to him just like Özal. He had established contact with us as well. During the 97-98 period both the civilian and the military side had gotten in touch with us. But the gladio was too powerful.  I read in one of the articles in Taraf newspaper; It inquired “Who sabotaged this period?”. It is the right question to ask. At the time although a resolution could have been reached the conspiracy instead was put into motion.

The Third Conspiracy Period: It was tried between 2003-2004. Fragmentation of the Kurds was the new styl of conspiring. They were not successful at the time either.

We know face the Fourth Conspiracy Period. I am now clear about the status of Erdoğan. I can now say what I think with more ease. If the incident in Hakkari is for sure an action by the contras and has nothing to do with the organization then this points to a few things.

We may call all the periods of conspiracies before this government the Black Conspiracy Periods. But the conspiracy period of today is Green Conspiracy Period. are diverge from one another. During the black conspiracy periods there was unrestricted authority given to Jitem, contras and those who confess; they were given the authority to kill anyone and anywhere they liked. For example they killedMusa Anter on the street, and many others in broad day light in Diyarbakir and other cities as well. This authority was given to them directly by the state. At the time the Turkish Gladio was run by the highest authority. Orders were given by Tansu Çiller and Doğan Güreş. All the killings would be reported to them. It is not a coincidence that after Özal's death their team became quite powerful. At the time the Turkish Gladio could kill anyone it desired and saw to be an obstacle, Özal's murder is an example to this. Just as in Italy, the Italian Gladio had killed its own prime minister. This prime minister that they killed was someone who did not act within the known boundaries; he was about to establish an alliance with the communists. This is why they killed him. But later the Turkish Gladio or contra or Ergenekon became independent of the one at the top; and determined its own course. When Karadayi said 'we do not belong to them” that is what he meant. There was an assassination attempt at Kıvrıkoğlu in Cyprus; the bullet skimmed off him and hit a colonel behind him. At the time Çevik Bir and his team were quite powerful in the Gladio. Most things were determined by them. Indeed Çevik Bir's name is mentioned as the person responsible for this assassination attempt in the Ergenekon case file.

During this conspiracy period murders and extraordinary killings like before won't be seen. The incident in Hakkari was a bit different. I shall talk about it later. Murders such as these would have been the job of Gladio before. Gladio was given full authority to kill. However during this green conspiracy period there is no Gladio-contra in the old way of doing things. During this period they shall not kill one by one on the street . The new way is that Erdogan knows of everything that happens. Without the knowledge of Erdoğan no one has the authority to kill. The incidence in Hakkari is a response to the killing of an imam there. The 10 guerillas being killed there is coordinated by Ankara, they came from Ankara to implement the operation. Both the killing of 10 guerillas and the explosion in Hakkari is a response to the killing of that imam. It is Ankara who has given the direct orders; a special team sent from Ankara goes there and plants the bomb and then leaves. This is quite clear to me now. I reached this conclusion from Erdogan's remarks in relation to that imam incidence.

This green conspiracy is Washington based. It is run from Washington. When I say this it should not just be thought as being Fethullah Gülen. The role of Fethullah Gülen in this is quite elementary one should not exaggerate it. There are those who are more important. The  media too talked about it; some Turkish pilots fought in Afghanistan for Taliban. These kind of relations are quite intertwined and have different dimensions. Hanefi Avcı talks about the imams and the way they are organized in his book. He says that there are units of imams and one responsible for each unit. He is aware of such organizations that is why he makes such statement. I call all these new organizations as green conspirac or green contra. They are organized all around.

The latest international diplomacy and all this work to eliminate the organization allows me to reach this conclusion; Those who have interests in Turkey, that is some powers are not ready to resolve this issue. If there would have been a solution reached then they would have been caught without any preparation. This is because they have hundreds of years of interest in the Kurdish issue and its past. This conspiracy was prepared against the Kurds since the 1920s.  In the case of a resolution all their plans would have been destroyed and hence they are not ready for a solution. The centre for this international conspiracy is Paris, Berlin, Moscow and many other places. But of course utmost of all it is run from Washington. They may tighten the siege; they will probably shut down Roj TV. Why are they supporting the AKP so much now: Europe did not really accept the AKP previously. But they now do. And it is because they accept it that they are trying to take some concessions and bargain. In return for these bargaining and concessions they are deciding on the fate of the Kurds. Kurds should not fear. Their alliance is not eternal. This alliance shall fall apart. Kurds should continue on with their own work. Their diplomacy games shall not give any results either. As can be seen Israel is uncomfortable with the cooperation between Turkey-Syria and Iran. And as a result has withdrawn from its alliance with Turkey. The USA is also uncomfortable with this situation.

There maybe those who wished to prepare elimination plans through using me. But I did not act as they wished hence they could not realize any of these conspiracies or eliminations plans. I am not sitting idle here. Some say that the fight in here is a huge struggle. But the Kurdish intellectual is pitiable, they do not understand what is going on. They can not understand the row here.

The line of Kıvrıkoğlu and Ecevit were more independent when compared to the others. They therefore tried to prevent some of the tricks. Of course they may have accepted some things in return for me being handed over to Turkey but they did not want to comply with everything. They later carried Ecevit to death. In 2005 when the prime minister went to Diyarbakır and said “Kurdish issue is my problem and I shall solve it” Turkish Gladio was about to kill him like Ecevit but they managed to make an agreement. During the term of AKP there were four different plans of military coup similar to that of Balyoz. Later though prime minister and the Gladio agreed on certain guidelines. They took a decision to administer together. However after the Erdogan-Bush meeting there was a decision to eliminate the Turkish Gladio-Ergenekon that was out of control. But during the very the same meeting they agreed to some important deals in the international arena. During the Erdoğan-Bush meeting they believed that Erdogan would eliminate the Kurds hence they withdrew coup plans similar to Balyoz and they began the elimination period of Ergenekon. Now during the green conspiracy period nothing that is out-of-control can be realized. A new greed contra has stepped in. This is a new style of contras. If the Dörtyol incident can be clarified then Erdogan's relationship with this new styled contra can be exposed.

I would like to say the following in relation to gender issues during the Fourth Conspiracy Period or green conspiracy period. There is a gender dimension of this period. During this period the self-defence of woman is of more importance. I am not approaching the issue from the dimension of honour. But I am talking about them protecting themselves in terms of thought, their sole and physically. Erdogan did not just tell the women to “bear three children” out of the blue. The Mayor of Rize was telling everyone to marry Kurdish girls. These are not out of naïvety. Tayyip Erdogan is aware of what he is saying. The things Tayyip Erdoğan could not express during his term are expressed now by this mayor. All these are a part of a certain plan or conspiracy. As far as I heard a girl of age 12 or 13 meets a man from Rize as she goes from Agri to Rize pick hazelnuts. This is being portrayed as great “love” in the media. What kind of a love is this! What's the love of a 12 or 13 year old girl! She goes there to work, to pick hazelnuts and does this under terrible conditions. She is in needs financial support and in order to live under better conditions she is driven to this relationship. The family approves of this. The man on the other hand is although in no need of such a relationship, that is although there are many well educated girls in their region opts for this girl!This is really not a normal marriage or love; it is slavery, it is slave like treatment. He will take the girl and make her work like a slave and use her. I use the definition of “the Aggrieved from Ağrı”. I believe such marriages are common in Ağrı. It is also wide-spread in Ağrı and Muş. This also is partially true for Urfa and Diyarbakır. For example there was an accident the other day as they were taking a girl from Urfa to the Black Sea region to be married there but there was an accident in Malatya on their way there. This is a deliberate policy of the green conspiracy period. In this way the Kurdish girls are taken and through their families a relationship is established. Another example is that of the family of Kepoğlu in Diyarbakir; one of their girls were also married off to a man from the Black Sea region. This family has a total population of 13 thousand people. This is one of their ways of achieving cultural genocide. You should not be made to believe that these are normal marriages with the Kurdish girls, it is done with an intent to enslave them and use them at their services.  In fact the girls from their own region are more educated then the Kurdish girls and are closer to their own mental set but Kurdish girls are chosen deliberately! If one thousand Kurdish girls are given away to Black Sea region and to Kayseri that would mean establishing some contact with a thousand Kurdish family. This gives a chance to snatch these families from their own society and put them under their own control. There are many examples to this: A girl secured a first place in something and she was given a house as a present. There was much propaganda done around that. There was a girl who was raped in Mardin. She was at first raped but she later told the court that “I continue to now do it for money”. The judge reduced the sentences on the grounds that there was consent.

A book on her life I think should be written; not just that issue but on such issues there should be some focus. In Batman too there are some rapes. In boarding schools too such incidents are wide-spread and are planned. One should be quite careful. There are thousands of similar examples to be counted. There is the incident experienced in Siirt. They rape children then kill them. If in a society the women has been subjected to cultural genocide then that society is exhausted. Nothing will come of that society. If in a society a child is raped and if hundreds of people are a part of this then that society is  done with.

But what are the women's associations doing? Half of them serve the system. These institutions should educate and raise the awareness of the girls. Women's institutions should establish a congress. And this congress should have a permanent executive body. They should really work day and night. They should really deal with these issues in  Batman, Siirt, Mardin and other issues I have mentioned. Our efforts in relation to these areas must be implemented.

All these are a result of the policies of this period. Indeed the Kurds are in the claws of cultural genocide. I am proposing the following; Free Partner Theorem. This is the concept I use. I had talked about it in my defence. I do not curse or condemn all marriages. However a marriage must be consistent when it comes to freedom. If a marriage is quite consistent in this regard then it is of meaning. My call to the Kurds are that they should give importance to their daughters education, they should protect their children. They should open educational centres for their children. Kurdish people are under the clasp of a big genocide plan. I have named my new defence “Kurds under the clasp of Cultural Genocide”.

I, in fact, I was withdrawing myself a while ago as well. But they came to me in 2006 and asked me for help to make peace. I then called for a cease-fire in 2006 to give peace a chance. I now understand it better that it was an elimination plan back then. There should be a research done in relation to that period. Ever since then I am making an immense effort for peace.

There is 15 days left to 31 October. I shall wait until the end of the month. If they do not come with an intent to resolve the issue then no matter what the consequence I shall not deal in the matter any more. I will not be tricked, if they shall not come to me on the basis of a solution then I shan't make any announcements. If they approach me with a resolution then I shall tell them my views. But in short let me say the following: As I said before I shall repeat my view about the “two protocols”. The first being the security protocol and the second being the democratic rights protocol where the constitution is also included. I had dealt with the issue of these two protocol in a letter I had formerly written. I have not as yet received replies to the letters I wrote both to the state and Kandil. We shall wait until 31 October but after that I shall not be available. I shall step aside. And it shall be up to KCK to steer developments. KCK shall take its own decisions. A “medium intensity warfare” is at our door steps. They may strengthen their position of self-defence. This maybe done in cooperation with the people.

Yesterday, the permission for a cross-border operation has been given by the Assembly. There was a secret sitting of the Assembly; how secretive can it be after such a decision.

The NGOs in Diyarbakır and the region are not really aware of the genocidal policies of the state and the government. When the state begins the implement its genocidal policies it shall not differentiate between the Kurds, they shall all be subjected to it. Some may approach the matter in terms of individual benefits or a couple of holdings but they should be aware if there is an attack they shall also be targeted. If there is nothing at all they can do they can at least be neutral. If the NGOs of the region have a proposal for a solution then they should bring it to me and if I do not accept it then they can say so. But if they do not have a formula for a solution then they should at least not be an insturment of these cultural genocide policies of the state. This is not a matter of voting for a particular party or to say yes or no in the referendum.

One should be careful about the imams. They should be approached appropriately. There should be democratic imams who take on duty in the mosques of the region. Democratic organizations, unions and others must play their roles in other democratic issues.

Kurds should be careful of their children. Those from Ağrı should take care of their children. I send my special greetings to our people in Ağrı.

I extend my greetings to our people in Diyarbakır, Van and Muş as well as in Armenia.

Abdullah Ocalan