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08 September 2010 - The Government talks about Musa Anter. They have no right to do so. This is because those who have killed him is the counter guerrilla and the state. Without questioning what has happened they are using his name.

I had already talked about the Referendum. If the government had taken a concrete step to encompass everyone towards a democratic constitution then the Kurds could have said 'yes'. In the same manner if the CHP had changed its stance and instead would display a positive and clear stance in relation to it then the Kurds could have said 'no' as well. The meaning of boycotting is as follows: “We want a constitution that everyone feels it belongs to them and is democratic and plural.” We are both against the nationalistic-nationalist fascism and the Islamic-nationalist fascism. We are behind the boycotting decision in order to insist on democratic resolution and democratic constitution before the Turkish Republic, state and government.


I held talk with some authorized people from the state. The period between 13 to 20 September are of importance. One should observe what shall happen after these dates, everything shall become much more clear then. But it is not possible to say anything for  sure. There was a similar period in 2001 as well. Back then it was the military who did the talks. But in 2001 the talks stopped all of a sudden. This is why it is not possible to say anything for sure, a similar situation can be experienced. It is widely known that back then they intervened to Ecevit. The officials who hold the talks now are aware of the period and there are those amongst them who are aware that it can not go on like this.

Wallerstein is an important sociologist. He too says that Turkey must change its unitary state model because the unitary state model has filled its term, those countries who have discovered this model, such as Italy, England and even France have abandoned it and if self-governance is implemented in Turkey it shall be the end of the unitary state. It is in parallel with what we are saying as well. He also indicates that it is of dire importance whether democratic self-governance aims to overcome societal hierarchy. Possibly, he follows our movement and our views and he considers them when making some of his statements. I always say that this nation-state has at most a past of five hundred years. It is the latest model of the capitalist modernity to control peoples for five hundred years. I have been discussing this for a while now but I have especially discussed it in detail in my defences called the Freedom Sociology.

There is a need to analyse the nation-state reality well. Its climax is fascism. Europe was able to observe this from a near through Hitler's Germany. And despite the belief this Hitler fascism has not really ended. As long as this nation-state understanding continues to exist the danger of fascism shall also continue and hence continue to create new Hitlers. Such a state model is not suitable for the Middle East. The social and cultural texture of the Middle East are not suitable to this model. America is also one of the  operators of this nation-state model in the Middle-East. It operates it right at this moment as well. You can not implement this model in Iraq, you can simply can't. Similarly you can not implement this model in Afghanistan either, it can't be implemented. Look at the Shia state in Iran; it is insisting on implementing this model but there is no success. It meets the resistance of the peoples. The Shia regime and nationalism creates massacres. If Iran continues to insist on this then it shall come to harm. Similarly the Arabic nationalism and nation-state too has resulted and continues to result in fascism and massacres. The situation in Turkey is also already exposed. The fascism implemented by the white Turks ignore all the other diversities. The Armenian slaughter during the Ottoman - Progress and Union period was imitated by the Nazi Germany, they were enlightened by it! Hitler has learned fascism from them. This is the reason why we propose democratic self-governance. But not only for Kurds, for all the peoples, for the Middle East and also for Afghanistan. The nation-state model of Capitalist Modernity is not able to resolve the issues of the Middle-East, on the contrary it has made it more complicated. The status of Israel and Palestine is known. The democratic self-governance that we propose is not based on ethnicity and does not have rigid geographic borders, but rests on democratic social units. These units are many and diverse. Each social stratum is accepted to be a democratic social unit. For example the Bağlar neighbourhood of Diyarbakir. I know Bağlar quite well, it can be accepted as a democratic social unit.  The people who live there may develop their own councils and assemblies in order to resolve their daily problems and all the other issues. Diyarbakır itself can also be accepted as a social unit. It can develop its own City Council. The other units of the neighbourhood units can also represent themselves within it. In my book called the Freedom Sociology, I had discussed the six different dimensions of democratic self-governance in depth. I think that the thesis mentioned in this book must be read and discusses well so that democratic self-governance maybe understood. There maybe much research done and new books and progressive articles written on it.

The work on Kurdish National Conference is of importance. All Kurds should participate in this work. I had shared my views on the matter previously. I had put forth four theoretical principles and three practical proposals. I especially think it is important that the three practical proposals be implemented. Firstly, there shall be a decision mechanism of the Kurds; an organization similar to that of a parliament. But we do not have to see it as solely a national parliament. Instead of a parliament it may be called the Kurdistan National Council. What is important here is that there is a mechanism where all the Kurds may take a joint decision. The example of the PLO, it is partially similar. It should have an execution committee and this is my second proposal. It shall be the unit that shall implement the decisions taken here. Thirdly, a mutual self-defence force should be developed. This is also very important. This is directly related to the security of the Kurds. There is no room for peace talks in the absence of guaranteeing the security of the Kurdish people. No one can not talk about laying down of weapons either. Without   reaching a conclusion on the security of the people nothing else can happen. Kurds are facing the danger of a genocide. There are certain powers who shall not abstain from implementing massacres. Self-defence is a must in order to protect one's existence. The Kurds must also protect themselves. One should not understand this in relation to the guerrilla or the HPG alone. This is why we say self-defence is a must. Everyone is responsible for it, the individuals too must assure their own defence and the people should also take their own precautions. In fact until this security issue is not resolved our people should think twice when sending their children to military service. They should think of their youth sent to military service in this manner as well.

The merchants and their organizations who talk in the name of the people should be reminded whether it is sincere to talk about peace in the absence of procuring the security of these people. Are they not able to see this danger of a genocide, how can they talk like this.  I protest their stance. I express my regrets before the stance of Taraf's circles, Orhan Miroğlu and Yasemin Çongar. They ignore all talks held in an effort to develop peace and sacrifices made. They are doing an injustice to us. These groups, whom Taraf circles would like to highlight as the 'Kurdish bourgeoisie', that wants a so-called peaceful resolution and who claim that their voices are tried to be restrained, have now nothing to do with Kurdishness.  The more they deny their Kurdishness the more benefits they are able to receive within this system and the more they escalate within this system! Whilst the people have become miserable due to poverty and hunger they live in most luxurie ways! They can not represent neither the Kurds nor Diyarbakir. The people of Diyarbakir shall not accept them, they shall not accept them as their representatives either. Now all of them claim that they talk in the name of the Kurdish people! But in fact they gain the most from the system the more they betray. The Kurds must recognise these attributes well.

I had mentioned it previously, this genocide is not restricted to phsical genocide. There is already a genocide perpetrated at a cultural, economic and many other areas as it is. Think about it; we can not even learn our mother tongue freely and make use of it. This is one of the most natural rights of all. In all UN charters too the ban on mother tongue, its repression and the inability to speak it freely is also described to be a cultural genocide. The European Conventions, to which Turkey is a party to, too secure these rights. But at the same time one should not really be stuck at these existing bans and make an effort to overcome them. My relations with my mother is a good example to this. When I started school at seven years of age I was forcefully made to learn a language different to that of my mother tongue. As a child I was scared, I thought of how I would learn a foreign language. I was offended and angry with my mother. I discussed it with her and expected her to free me from this cultural genocide. But when she could not -what could she have done- I had a fight with her and showed my reaction. And can you imagine I never even spoke to her over the phone after I left home. My rebellion was so huge that I did not call her as she passed away. I still feel the pain of this with me. In my discussions with my mother I used to tell her that even the “hens talk to their children in a language they understand and protect their children against dangers. Why can't you do the same?” This is the reality that has created Apo. The issue of mother tongue is more important then anything else. If you can not learn your mother tongue and educate yourself with it then you can not think in a healthy manner and be creative. This is what lies behind the problems that the Kurdish intellectuals are experiencing. This is why there are no Kurdish intellectuals who are strong enough and qualified! The rebellion I initiated with my mother -in fact there was nothing that she could really do- continued against the system.  This is why I am here now. Our patriotic families must, no matter what, teach their children their mother tongue. This is the most important dimension of our struggle. This must be done despite the bans and overcoming the bans. DTK (Democratic Society Congress) should also see itself responsible in relation to it. New methods and organizations who shall teach the mother tongue should be developed. Families should turn their homes into educational schools where the mother tongue is developed. I am adamant on this. We should understand the importance of the issue of mother tongue. This is another reason why I am against marriage, or rather I have serious criticism.  I won't say I am against child birth but I think those who bring children into this world should be aware of the responsibilities. What is important is that the child understand the meaning of the period passed from the day of his/her birth to the present as well as to protect him/herself against the cultural genocide by absorbing his/her own mother tongue and culture. This is the reason why I am widely critical of all these marriages. The women may be offended but if we can't teach our children their mother tongue and shall give in to the system then nothing we have all gone through has any meaning. This is the most vital issue to us. The children must absorb their mother tongue and cultures as they are raised. The cultural genocide is similar to non other, it is the most dangerous of all. It is more dangerous then the physical genocide but it is not understood well. It spoils the human being, distance it from being a human being and hence give way to the creation of a being with no honour. It brings the human being to such a point that even when you become aware of what has happened you are no longer in a position to do anything. The cultural genocide is enslaving us. Children are being raised with a chain on their neck and the families are not making an effort to break the chain but they contribute to it. This does not mean that I am against Turkish or learning Turkish. We are learning Turkish as well I have no objection to that. I had to leave Kurdish aside under these conditions but this does not mean that we have left the struggle for it.

Fascism has contaminated sports as well. The relationship between fascism and sports is widely known. This is also the case with the management of Diyarbakir Spor. They complain of poverty and all that but this is not something new. This is a project put into motion when Büyükanıt was the corps commander in Diyarbakır. As you witnessed Erdoğan got on stage in Diyarbakır with Hakan Şükür (a famous football player) and some other football players from Galatasaray. These are all well planned things. There is some talk on the three colours. They are talking about me being a Galatasaray sympathizer but presently both Galatasaray and Diyarbakırspor all render service to special warfare policies. If one does not scrutinize well enough one may not see some of the incidents that happen. For example in the 90s there was a Turkish Cup match between Galatasaray and Diyarbakır Spor in Diyarbakır. Diyarbakır Spor fans were clapping Galatasaray because they liked them. Only one of the football players, Tafarel who was a foreigner, turned around to the people greeted them and waved his hands. The others did not even look the way of the fans! If both Galatasaray and Diyarbakırspor avoid becoming a tool in the hands of such policies then I may have sympathy for them both. The people of Diyarbakır too shall not accept such a Diyarbakırspor. If Diyarbakırspor belongs to the people then there should be an unrestricted membership for the people there. It can be democratized in this way. Then the people shall look after Diyarbakırspor, everyone shall contribute what they can. But we know how sport is used by capitalism. But this is not an obstacle for the people to democratically establish and develop sport clubs and associations. The Kurds should establish and develop all sorts of sport clubs and sport itself in city, village and towns. Sports is really beneficial to the health of the body and spirit.

There was an imam killed the other day. I think the new policies of AKP should be seen. They want to use these imams. They wish to make their own propaganda to the people through the use of these imams and deceive them. It is similar to what they did with Hizbullah in the past. Our people should not be deceived. They should not go to the mosques where they do not know the imams and should not rely on them. If it be they should meet in their own homes together with their fellow peoples and do their prayers there. This way they can annul such policies. I think a few days ago another imam was killed. He is an ordinary person, he is someone our people call melle (imam). Hence it is even more clear that they are trying to create an unrest! Our people should be alert against these such games, should take precautions and should exclude them. A variety of precautions should be taken against their anti-propaganda.

I had talked about this before; AKP and the army have agreed at the military council. The military shall pave the way of AKP in politics and shall not interfere whereas the AKP shall turn a blind eye to all the military operations against the Kurds and its violence in Kurdistan. I also think that the present head of General Staff Koşaner has made an even more advanced agreement then Büyükanıt or Başbuğ. There was always conflicts between the government and military whether it was the period of Başbuğ or Büyükanıt. But these conflicts seem to have come down to a minimum now. Already the new head of General Staff has made a demand for cross-border operation! AKP shall in the mean time deceive the Kurds through its own methods, as seen in the case of some of the imams.

The latest guerrilla losses are upsetting. It arouses anger that this should happen during the no-action period. The period of no-action should not be understood wrongly. It is  indisputable that all sorts of defence and retaliation rights within the framework of legitimate defence exist. It is well seen that we are doing all we can for a democratic resolution and peace; we make all the sacrifices but the result is there for all. I repeat much shall become clear around 13-20 September. After this referendum there may be an all-out annihilation operations. These must be calculated. But the Kurds must protect themselves in all sorts of ways against all sorts of attacks. The old ways won't be sufficient. I said it before I can not be a leader on a daily basis as my conditions are not suitable for that.  This is why everyone shall make their own decisions and shall implement them. After 20 September I shall not interfere, and the responsibility is not on me. The state too must be aware of this. The Kurds shall take their own decisions in relation to all areas and shall implement them. They should not take any decision they can not implement. If they shall implement democratic self-governance then they must enter into a suitable structuring and  positioning.

I call on the state and the government one last time. We want to live in this country freely, we do not demand to be separated, we have said this many times over now. These rightful demands of ours should be accepted. If not we would also be right to make use of our right to resist.

In prisons there are problems experienced by those arrested and convicted. In addition there is around 50 seriously ill people in prisons, most of them have cancer and their situation is bad. I am really sad about these friends of ours; I wish them patience and hope they recover soon. Everyone should do what falls on their shoulders in relation to this issue. The BDP members should do all they can with the President and the Prime Minister in relation to their situation. When it comes to bad prison conditions, unfortunately we all experience similar problems. Here too we are faced with similar problems. At that I can't even have the benefit of my right to telephone and watch television here. As I said I wish patience to all my friends. I greet them with affection.

I too celebrate our peoples festivities. I send my greetings to our people in Diyarbakır and Izmir.