The Kurdish Question, the most fundamental challenge facing since the Turkish Republic since its foundation, continues to run like an open wound. There is a great expectation in society for the settlement of this question which has caused such immense tragedies right up until the present day. A just and democratic solution of the question is now an obligation and one that is in the common interests of the peoples of the region and the development of democracy and stabilization in the Middle East.
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KCK Executive Council Chairman Murat Karayılan has assessed the decision of DTP Members of Parliament to withdraw from Parliament as being a principled action. He said, ''the Kurdish people have given them the right to practise politics in their name. They should know that the Kurdish public will be supporting them with all their strength following their determined stance.''
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Подробнее: Karayilan: The high court has enforced the states decision
The transfer of our Leader Apo from one prison to another is a coup. With this, a new phase has begun in Kurdistan and Turkey. In this phase elimination is being enforced through our Leader Öcalan, and massacres against our people have been given the go-ahead, the policy of annihilation has started and continues to be enforced intensively.
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Karayilan stated that “Characterising the solution offered by the Minister of Internal Affairs as a framework for solutions means either a failure to see the problem or to make fun of it. The issue cannot be resolved through ordinary and ridiculous solutions such as “optional modules, Kurdology Branches, or the right to TV broadcasting for Kurdish people”, which have been stated by the minister. Explaining that some steps do not imply openness, Karayilan also explained that “It is necessary to correctly understand AKP’s tactic, which can be quite misleading for many people. This why it is beneficial to grasp the essence of such approaches.”
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Подробнее: Karayilan: You cannot take a single step without PKK
The KCK Executive Council Presidency assessed the general session regarding the Kurdish issue in the Turkish Parliament in a written statement. The AKP has dealt with the issue from an ambiguous position said the KCK and added, ‘‘there is an attempt to escape the problem in this approach, not to solve it. The Kurdish issue cannot be solved without recognising the will of the Kurdish people and without beginning a dialogue and negotiating with its representatives. To say that Turkey will democratise without solving the Kurdish issue is a deception.’’
Although it had not been named as such, the KCK characterised the discussion of the Kurdish issue in Parliament as an important development.
The KCK summarised the attitudes of the parties in Parliament as follows: ‘‘The AKP government brought the issue to parliament under the heading of ‘the national unity project’ and have not understood or addressed the essence of the problem; they have repeated what they have been saying for the last 6 months. All the parties apart from the DTP have repeated their positions on the issue and none of them have revealed a tangible and viable plan for solving this problem. The speeches made especially by the AKP, characterising the solution process as being open ended and without laying anything tangible on the table, has dealt with the issue from an ambiguous position. However, the issue does not have an ambiguous character and has reached a point where a solution is imposing itself.’’
The KCK Presidency emphasised that the AKP’s ostensible approach was a ploy to delay a solution and described Prime Minister Erdoğan’s speech as being aimed at gaining votes and popularity. The AKP had said that they would unveil their project in Parliament, but it has been seen that they do not have a solution, said the statement.
The KCK deemed the AKP’s aggressive and hostile attitude towards the Kurdish people and their representatives as being proof of the AKP’s unwillingness to solve the issue. According to the KCK, the CHP’s statements legitimising the Dersim massacre are also a part of the annihilation plan. By using the AKP, the Turkish State is attempting to present a friendly face to the Kurdish people, but by using the CHP they are threatening thm. The statement described the massacre mentality (of the CHP) as similar to Hitler’s fascism.
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The greatest question of the Turkish Republic in its 87th year, which is the Kurdish question, has entered the process of resolution. Both the internal and external conditions, which will transform the question into a genuinely permanent and just peace, are available. The unilateral ceasefire decided upon by our movement, the road-map that was prepared by our leader and our peoples’ call for peace, demonstrate the commitment of our movement and people to peace and a democratic resolution.
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