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Karayilan stated that “Characterising the solution offered by the Minister of Internal Affairs as a framework for solutions means either a failure to see the problem or to make fun of it. The issue cannot be resolved through ordinary and ridiculous solutions such as “optional modules, Kurdology Branches, or the right to TV broadcasting for Kurdish people”, which have been stated by the minister. Explaining that some steps do not imply openness, Karayilan also explained that “It is necessary to correctly understand AKP’s tactic, which can be quite misleading for many people. This why it is beneficial to grasp the essence of such approaches.”

Karayilan explained that, in essence, what they are trying to do is annihilate the Kurdish Liberation Movement, the purpose is the same, but the methods have been transformed.

In relation to AKP’s three red lines Karayilan said that “One, The Kurds will not have a status such as a federation or autonomy. Two: Education will not be conducted in mother tongue. Three: The operations will not cease, the freedom of Leader Apo will not develop. These three items are their red lines. AKP representatives mentioned constitutive changes. Of course it is necessary. The constitution should change. This issue cannot be resolved without the changes in the constitution. However, they say that the fist three items should be exempts from the changes in the constitution. However, if these three items remain as they are, where will you put the Kurdish nation? Just as their mentality cannot endure the notion of Kurdish existence, they want to change the constitution while omitting these three items. This means that there is a deception here. It implies a policy aimed at deceiving, and dividing the Kurds. We have to be able to see this. I believe that our whole nation will see it and not believe it. This is a game.”

Drawing attention to all these dangers, Murat Karayilan drew attention to the fact that if this situation continues as it is a new process of war can be experienced. Karayilan told the state authorities that “...not even a single leaf would move in Kurdistan without PKK. They cannot do anything. I would like to openly tell the Prime Minister and all the other state authorities that you cannot take a single step without PKK. PKK also has a management, a leadership. When we say this, they ask whether everything is contingent on Imrali. No, it would be wrong to evaluate the issue in this sense. The movement itself has a management, a way of institutionalisation, a system. All the components of this movement have at least 50 councils, which is the expression of its management. However, leader Apo is the head of all of them. If the issue is to be resolved, it takes proper negotiation and discussion with those concerned in order to find a common denominator. There are no other methods of resolution. The rest would be deception. "


Murat Karayilan, the chair of executive council of KCK, drew attention to the games of AKP government over maxmur camp. He stated that with the insistence of Turkey, the tripartite co-ordination took the annihilation of Maxmur into their agenda. According to Karayilan it is not in fact a tripartite co-ordination but quadruple. With the appointment of Ibrahim Muhammed Ali, the local government has also participated in the co-ordination.

Karayilan summarised the Turkish government’s plan to annihilate Maxhur and other immigrant camps through this group: “They want to destroy the camps by offering money to some, kidnapping some, and through the methods of special intelligence and by carrying out a psychological war. AKP says that if I destroy Maxmur, it will be a great blow to PKK and almost half of it will be annihilated. They are going to use this as an argument in the annihilation of the liberation movement. This is the purpose...” Stating that he does not think that they will succeed in these efforts, Karayilan emphasised that the people of Maxmur are the patriots who have proven their devotion to the cause of freedom. He explained that “There are honourable people there, who never bowed to gang mentality, the village guard system or to oppression. These honourable people cannot be deceived with any amount of money”.

Karayilan added that, under the conditions of continuing war, there is no way back for the people of Maxmur. “How did these people get out, and why should they go back? There was state oppression and war. Has the war ceased? No. Is there a possibility of war? Yes, there is. There are village guards and oppression. How can these people go? Anyhow, the mistake of AKP authorities is that they want to do something without preparing the terrain at first.”

Karayilan explained that AKP’s tactic of bringing deserters in order to deceive the public will not work either. He added that “AKP is thinking whether it can create the illusion of annihilation of PKK by taking these out one way or another. This will be an endeavour to deceive the public. On the other hand, these individuals cannot appear before the public. It is because, our people are consistent about their freedom and under no condition would they accept betrayal”.