Народные силы самообороны


On 19th June, 2010, our guerrillas were caried an extensive raid against the Turkish state forces placed on the Gediktepe/the Hill of Konserve in rural area of Semzinan. As a result of this raid, at least 37 soldiers killed and tens of them were wounded.

And, during this raid our Hevals Devrim (Kenan Geyik), Botan (Fuat Yilmaz) and Kurtay (Baris Elver) have had martered.

Also, after this above action by our guerrillas, we couldn't be able to get any news of our Heval Mordem (Hasan Asig), who was a participated while he was studying Electronic Engineering. Despite of all our efforts, we couldn't be able to get any details where about of him. Then, we have reached to some information that our Heval Mordem has been reached to martry and his corpse taken by the forces belongs to the Turkish army, yet, where his corpse have been taken is unknown. The Turkish state army hidden and do not tell the place of our Heval's corpse.

The I.D. Details of Our Marterd Heval is as Follow;

Mordem - Hasan Sig

Code Name: Mordem Mardin

Real Name: Hasan Sig

Year and Place of Birth: 1984/Kiziltepe, Mardin

Year and Place of Participation: 2007/Malatya

Name of Mother: Halime

Name of Father: Osman

Date and Place of Martery: 19 June 2010 / Semdinli, Hakkari

While we call on our people and democratic public to take stand against these inhumane practises of the state, and offer our condolences to our Heval Mordem's family and all the people of Kurdistan.

Also, we call natioanl and international organizations to be sensative on these issues and to invite those to behave in accordance with related international laws.

We believe that our people will own memory of our Mordem Heval's revolutionary resistance and, once more renewing that we will be next to our people all the time.

The HPG Central Commandmant
