Народные силы самообороны

To Our People and the Public Opinion!

Since 17 August, the Turkish state, government and the army continue to attack first our Medya Defense Areas and many areas of South Kurdistan. While the air attacks continue, on the one hand, howitzer and mortar shelling continued on the areas under our control.


While our Medya Defense Areas and South Kurdistan has been bombed continuously annihilation operations against our guerrillas in North Kurdistan have not stopped.

In September 2011, against every guerrilla action in cities, Turkish state very systematically targeting a large number of civilians killed in a conscious way. Four patriotic people were murdered by a cobra in the village of Şapata in Şemzinan, ball attack to Gunde Mele village and deliberate murder of Dogrul family in the middle of the day in Batman. These attacks against the civilians took place by the state and is a concept that put into practice by the AKP government.

Turkish State continued with its dirty war in this month as well. Turkish state murdered two village guards in Şıtaza-Yesiltas in Gever-Yuksekova who put a distance against the state under the pretext that it was the action of Freedom Movement. Previously we shared with the public that we had nothing to do with this incident.

Turkish state, government and the police in September 2011 had been attacking our people, its legal-political field, youth, civil society organizations. This is the reason as to why the guerrilla forces took action against the police this month too. One thing should be known very well that as long as the fascistic treatments of AKP’s police towards our people continue we will continue with our actions against the police.

Long ago we had made a warning on number of issues such as not to co-operate, work for, lend vehicles to the state of Turkey, government and, in particular the police and army.

However, these instructions were not taken into account entirely, for this kind of collaborative people’s tools and equipments have been destroyed, some of them have been confiscated briefly by guerrillas. We will be in a much more serious approach towards those collaborating with the enemy, harming the ecology and destroying the cultural heritage of Kurdistan.

In September 2011, there was the Siirt incident that should not have occurred on our side. As a result of this action in Siirt four civilian lost their lives. In relation to the incident we apologized from our people, democratic public opinion and from the families of the victims. After conducting a thorough investigation we shall share the outcome result with the public.

In September, 24 guerrillas have become martyred as a result of clashes, actions and air attacks by the Turkish state.

It is our duty to publish the balance sheet of the month September 2011 to inform our people, the democratic public as it is.

The Number of Operations by Enemy: 38

The Number f Bush fires as a result of Enemy Attacks: 15

The Bombardments made by Enemy cobra type helicopters: 15

The Number of Air-bombardments of Enemy: 30

Xakurke: 13

Qandil:     4

Zap:       6

Gare:       3

Metina:   1

The Number of Obus and Mortar Attack by Enemy: 19


Zagros: 2

Zap:     5

Xakurke: 5

Haftanin: 4

Gabar:   1

Cukurca: 1

Semdinli: 1

The Number of Actions carried by our Guerrillas: 40

The Number of Enemy Soldiers Killed by our Guerrillas: 73

The Number of Policeman Killed by our Guerrillas: 20

The Number of Police taken as Prisoner by our Guerrillas: 1

The Number of Enemy Vehicles Destroyed by our Guerrillas:


Panzer: 3

Train Vagons: 3

Armoured Vehicle: 1

Vehicles working for enemy: 11

Heavy Vehicle: 1

Tanker: 1

Lorry: 2

Bulldozer: 1

Damaged scorscy helicopters: 2

Confiscated Materials belongs to the Enemy: 1 HK-33, 3 G-3, 1 walkie-Talkies

The Number of Arrests by our Guerrillas: 20 (12 of them Teachers)

The Number of Martryd Guerrillas: 24

Erdal Tolhildan (Mehmet Emin Sevilgen)

Sahin Roboski (Ahmet Encu)

Adil Rezan (Fehmi Atdemir)

Rubar Serhat (Selman Xosnimek)

Bager Andok (Mehmet Sakir Yavas)

Leheng Qamislo (Samir Ferhan)

Harun Kajin (Fevzi Yildiz)

Rojhat Kobani (Mahibal Ibrahim Bozan)

Ali Hamza Maku (Abdullah Eyyubi)

Partizan Bagok (Abdulselam Karakus)

Vejin Mijda (Nergiz Pirod)

Azad Serbilind (Serbulent Yilmaz)

Rizgar Farqin (Ilyas Olcen)

Rojhat Maku (Kawus Dellaimilan)

Mahsum Sores (Zemirhan Tokdemir)

Sores Derik (Suleyman Resit)

Rubar Hacelya (Selman Gur)

Rozerin Piran (Gulumse Esin)

Xebat Amed (Mehmet Turk)

Dicle Gever (Elif Demir)

Erdal Ciyayi (Babek Lemori)

Rojhat Serhat (Yusuf Saldun)

Azad Cudi (Fatih Minaz)

Ruken Cudi ( Heybet Gungen)

The HPG Command Headquarters
