Народные силы самообороны


On 21 March 2012, the occupier forces of the Turkish state army carried out a military operation in the area of Cudi/Silopi/Sirnak. We couldn't be able get into contact with our comrades in the area of Cudi due to weather and security conditions.

Despite we couldn't be able to clerify the situation there, we would like to share the information with our people and public in regard to the clashes occurred in the area of Cudi as a result of the attack carried out by the Turkish state against our forces on 21 March.


Intense clashes occurred as a result of attacks carried out by enemy against our guerrilla areas on the resistancy day of Newroz.

As a result of military operation and clashes developed on 21 March 2012 and afterwords 9 of our comrades have been martryed. Our forces strongly resisted against the enemy's intense attacks and as a result one of the unit of enemy mostly destroyed. It has been eyewitnessed that 18 members of the special operational team have been killed and many more wounded, which reflected to the press as well.

Our forces, who eliminated one of the enemy's military unit, have showed a great resistancy against all the attacks of the enemy for three days despite the intensive usage of military technology and whether conditions. As a result, our forces resisted on the line of Apo's fedaiin line and reached to martry of freedoms.

The I.D. Details of our comrades who have been Martryd as a result of resistancy from 21-24 March 2012 are as Follow;

Code Name: Sadik Kobani

Real Name: Adil Muhammed

Year and Place of Birth: 1967/Kobani

Name of Mother: Halime

Name of Father: Muhammed

Year and Place of Participation: 1992/Kobani

Date and Place of Martry: 21-24 March 2012/Cudi,Silopi,Sirnak

Code Name: Refik Afrin

Real Name: Lokman Ibo

Year and Place of Birth: 1975/Afrin

Name of Mother: Mevlide

Name of Father: Hamit

Year and Place of Participation: 1993/Afrin

Date and Place of Martry: 21-24 March 2012/Cudi,Silopi,Sirnak

Code Name: Kurtay Serhat

Real Name: Yunus Diler

Year and Place of Birth: 1989/Van

Name of Mother: Samama

Name of Father: Husamettin

Year and Place of Participation: 2008/Istanbul

Date and Place of Martry: 21-24 March 2012/Cudi,Silopi,Sirnak

Code Name: Aydin Cirav

Real Name: Huseyin Kaya

Year and Place of Birth: 1991/Siirt

Name of Mother: Safiye

Name of Father: Mehmet

Year and Place of Participation: 2009/Siirt

Date and Place of Martry: 21-24 March 2012/Cudi,Silopi,Sirnak

Code Name: Sahin Sipan

Real Name: Yasin Musa

Year and Place of Birth: 1978/Haseki

Name of Mother: Saha

Name of Father: Musa

Year and Place of Participation: 1999/Haseki

Date and Place of Martry: 21-24 March 2012/Cudi,Silopi,Sirnak

Code Name: Zilan Halep

Real Name: Elmas Xelil

Year and Place of Birth: 1981/Halep

Name of Mother: Melek

Name of Father: Ethem

Year and Place of Participation: 1996/Halep

Date and Place of Martry: 21-24 March 2012/Cudi,Silopi,Sirnak

Code Name: Sason Siirt

Real Name: Musa Aycicek

Year and Place of Birth: 1994/Siirt

Name of Mother: Nazile

Name of Father: Abdullah

Year and Place of Participation: 2010/Siirt

Date and Place of Martry: 21-24 March 2012/Cudi,Silopi,Sirnak

Code Name: Ruhal Welat

Real Name: Havva Meminejat

Year and Place of Birth: 1989/Maku

Name of Mother: Mirdesi

Name of Father: Abbas

Year and Place of Participation: 2005/Maku

Date and Place of Martry: 21-24 March 2012/Cudi,Silopi,Sirnak

Code Name: Tolhildan Yekbun

Real Name: Aslihan Bilen

Year and Place of Birth: 1983/Sirnak

Name of Mother: Kumru

Name of Father: Muhammed

Year and Place of Participation: 1998/Maxmur

Date and Place of Martry: 21-24 March 2012/Cudi,Silopi,Sirnak

We promise our people that this fascist mentality, who also carries out its attacks even on the day of the festivity of Newroz which means peace, brotherhood, justice, freedom and resistance, and belongs to the Kurds and the people leaving in the Middle East, will pay back for each hero and fedaiin of Kurdistan who falls down on the ground.

We believe that our people and the democratic public will owe their 9 brave children and militants, and face to orders of whatever the developments orders with the spirit of Serhildans. And, we invite our people to participate to the period of continious resistance.

The HPG Central Commandment
