Народные силы самообороны


The Turkish state army has been continuously carrying out attacks aiming to find and destroy our guerrilla forces, whome are unilaterally in a position of “ Non Action Period ” since 13th of April, 2009. The military operations have been increasingly continued for the entire year, and seems like the Turkish state army wants to  intensively increase the operations while we are in the months of spring.

Especially for the last 15 days, The Turkish state army bringing both troops and military equipment to the border and continous its military operations on the zero point of the border. The military operations primarily focus both on Zap-Cukurca and all boundary lines against our guerrilla forces. And, the conflicts occurred have been minimized  as a result of great sensitivity by our guerrilla forces. Despite of this, conflicts has been occurred.

These latest military operations on the border line have been started by the Turkish state army is aiming to cross the border. For this reason, clashes that are not required by our forces have been occurred and as a result the enemy faced heavy loses. Our guerrilla forces did not let the enemy forces to cross the border.

The enemy forces, who has been faced difficulty with the majestic power of the guerrilla resistance, bombarded the guerrilla areas for days by using intensive techniques both in the air and on land. During these bombardments, two members of our guerrilla forces, namely Pirdogan (Gokhan Burhanli) andA git (Agit Kaya), have been martred on the border line.

We, The People’s Defence Forces, give our promise to both our martered comrades Pirdogan and Agit that as long as the military operations continue we will defend ourselfs with anymeans like a fedaii, and we owe the inheritance of resistance until to the end.

The Central Command of the HPG

1 April 2010