Народные силы самообороны


On the night of 23 February 2012, our guerrillas punished a contra name Sadik Unat (code name Cakal) with death. This contra have been actively working with special forces of the enemy for years and played role in martrying our tens of guerrillas.

On 12 March 2008, this contra played very important role of martrying our guerrillas after a clash occurred in the Valley of Hezil/Besta. Our guerrillas name whome have been martryed are as follow: A member of the HPG Military Council, Kurtay Farasin (Abdulkerim Ertas); Ekin Sivas (Esra Bulut); Berxwedan Afrin (Davut Habes); Birusk Kobani (Ali Mursit); Faik Aslan (Adil Sabri); Piling Hekari (Saban Aktas); Siyar Afrin (Lokman Ismail); Siyar Van (Mustafa Iscan); and, Xosmer Xoy (Hamit Hasanlo). This contra also played the same role in marterying of our guerrillas after intensive clashes occurred in the area of the Valley of Hezil and the Hillsides of Meviske on 24 and 25 July. Their names are as follow: Member of HPG Military Council, Nuda Karker (Nazam Bayram); Member of the HPG Military Council, Ferhat Dersim (Abdurrahman Nalioglu); Zerin Kajin (Gullu Kalmaz); Polat Dersim (Hidir Coskun); and, Gever Farasin (Fahri Arslan).

The contras, who works within the enemy fronts and works as an enemy against our people and has blood on their hands, will not be left out without punishment.

The HPG Central Commandment

25 February 2012