1- On 30 August in between 00:00-01:00 hours, the Turkish state army carried obus and mortar attack on the areas of Sehit Adar, Dola Betalma and Sehit Kemal/Haftanin/the Medya Defence Areas. As a result fire began in the area which still continues.
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1- On 28 August at around 06:30 hour, our guerillas carried an action against a military convoy in between the Villages of Tirenus and Derbane/Hakkari, which was heading to the Bezele Military Station. As a result of this action, 3 enemy soldiers killed and 5 others wounded by our guerrillas.
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Ji çapemenî û raya giştî re!
Di 26’ê Tebaxê de li Dersimê di navbera navçeyên Çemişgezek û Xozatê li dijî Malaxwedê û Derekoyu, cihên stratejîk ji aliyê Artêşa TC’ê hatiye girtin. Di 30’ê Tebaxê de li dijî leşkerên dijmin ên ji qereqola Amutka derketine ji aliyê gerîla yê me çalakiyek hatiye lidarxistin.
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1- On 17 August in between 15:00-16:30 hours, the Turkish state army carried air-raids on the areas of the Hill of Sehit Beritan, the Straits of Karker and Telefon, and the Hill of Sehit Kurtay/Xakurke/the Medya Defence Areas.
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1- On 22 August in between 10:30-14:00 hours, war planes belongs to the Turkish state army carried an air raid on the area of Kasura, the Villages of Deresis and Sararo/Haftanin/the Medya Defence Areas. As a result of this air raid, the gardens and fields belongs to the villagers have been greately damaged.
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On 16 August at 11:50 hour, our guerrillas carried an action against a vehicle which was carrying lojistical needs to the enemy on the Hill of Cum/Lice/Amed. As a result of this action, 2 soldiers came to beside vehicle have been killed by our guerrillas.
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1- On 23 August, our guerrillas carried an action against the enemy soldiers who were returning from road check in between the military stations of Tine and Kalende/in between the district of Ergani and the Mnt. of Maden/Amed. As a result of this action, Reo type military vehicle contains 15 enemy soldiers have been destroyed together with soldiers.
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