Народные силы самообороны

Press Release

Throughout 2021, your forces contributed to a certain extent to the Bazên Zagrosê and Cenga Xabur Revolutionary Campaigns. You took part in the great resistance in Avaşîn, Zap and Metina.

We congratulate your Keşan and Dayîlan actions on October 30, which represented the spirit of resistance that has emerged especially in Werxelê, Girê Sor, Mamreşo and Zendura.

These actions in Werxelê and Hill Sor, which expressed the spiritual aspect of the Apoist sacrifice in ground battle, are significant advancements. They make sense especially in terms of the offensive spirit they represent. Although there were some casualties in Heftanîn because some problems emerged during the withdrawal, it is clear that both actions that struck the enemy with a high offensive spirit are revolutionary operations that can be appreciated in terms of representing the spirit of the offensive.

Therefore, we congratulate all the companions who participated in these actions and contributed to their realization, especially the Heftanîn and Xakurkê State Commands and wish them continued success. We salute all the fighters and forces and wish them success.

November 4, 2021