Народные силы самообороны


1- On 25th of June, 2010, in between 05:00-16:00 hours, the Turkish state army bombarded the areas of Gire Buhoke, Mila Baye, Duave, Desta Birka and, the Hills of Koordine and Zendore Bicuk/Haftanin/ the Medya Defence Areas, with obus and mortars.

2- On 25th of June, 2010, in between 05:00-06:00 hours, the Turkish army carried an air-bombardment against the peak of the Mount Cudi.

3- In the early hours of 24th of June, 2010, the Turkish state army launched a military operation in the areas of Bere Sinde, surrounding areas of Guzares and the Hill of Helwesis in Bilican/Cukurca/Hakkari. On 24th of June, our guerrillas carried an action against these enemy operational forces. As a result of this action by guerrillas, 1 (one) enemy soldier killed and 2 (two) others wounded. Afterwards of this guerrilla action, the enemy pulled back with no result.

4- On 24th of June, 2010, in between 20:00-21:00 hours, our guerrillas carried an action against enemy soldiers, who were responsible from the security of the army station of Golav/Karakocan/Elazig. As a result, our guerrillas confiscated 2 G-3 type weapon belongs to the enemy. Afterwards of this action, enemy soldiers opened fire surrounding area with no aim, and as a result 1(one) civilian lost his life and 4 (four) other civilians wounded. Later, the Cobra type attack-helicopters also shoot on surrounding area, and soldiers brought by scorscy type military helicopters launched a military operation in the area.

5- Since 24th of June, 2010, day and night, the Turkish state army bombarding the villages of Bezenike and Sone, the Hills of Ertus, Small Cilo and Xeregol, and the areas Sikefta Birindara and Ciyares/Zap/the Medya Defence Areas, with obus and mortars.

The Press Liasion Centre – HPG
