Народные силы самообороны


1. On 17 th March, 2010, in between the hours of 02:00-03:00am, the Turkish state army bombarded the village of Ele, the Hills of Cehennem and Ciyares/Zap/the Medya Defence Areas, with obus and mortars. Read More

2. On 16th March, 2010, in between the hours of 18:30-19:30pm, turkish state army bombarded the areas of Sesdara, with obus and mortars.

3. On 16th of March,2010, in between the hours of 10:00-11:00am, turkish state army bombarded the area of Xantur/Haftanin/ The Medya Defence Areas, with obus and mortars.

4. On 16th March, 2010, in between the hours of 09:30-10:30am, turkish state army bombarded the area of Dole Bezenike/Haftanin/the Medya Defence Area, with obus and mortars.

5. Since 15th of March,2010, The turkish state army has been continously bombarding the Hills of the Ertus and Sehit Cihat/Zap/Medya Defence Areas, with obus and mortars. The bombarding is stil continuing.

The Press Liasion Center – HPG

17 March 2010