Народные силы самообороны

Press Release

The Kurdistan Freedom Guerrilla carried out the legitimate defense of our people against all attacks of the occupying Turkish state in October, resisted strongly and gave the necessary response with effective actions.

The guerrilla struggle continued in October, which our pioneer commander Bêrîtan – Gülnaz Karataş comrade reached martyrdom and our free women's army YJA Star was founded. Our guerrilla carried out effective actions, following in the footsteps of Bêrîtan and all the martyrs of October.

The attacks of the colonialist genocidal Turkish state on all the provinces of Medya Defense Zones, especially Bakurê Kurdistan, continued unabated. The occupying Turkish army, whose operations in Bakurê Kurdistan were unsuccessful, bombed Medya Defense Zones very intensively. During October, Medya Defense Zones were bombed 302 times by warplanes, 347 times by attack helicopters, once by chemical weapons, twice by drones loaded with explosives, and 101 times by prohibited explosives. The occupying Turkish army continued to commit war crimes by using prohibited weapons and carrying out continuous bombardments. However, the Kurdistan Freedom Guerrilla knew how to eliminate and thwart these attacks of the war criminal occupying Turkish army. At the same time, our forces gave the necessary response to the attacks of the occupying army and carried out a total of 97 actions by applying very different tactics with great skill. As a result of these actions, a total of 36 invaders, including 1 senior officer, were punished and 11 invaders were injured.

Our Immortals Battalion carried out a major action by hitting the colonialist genocidal Turkish state at the exact time and place on October 23, 2024, at the center of the killing machines in Ankara TUSAŞ. This flawless, magnificent and successful professional self-sacrifice action carried out by the immortal comrades Asya Ali and Rojger Hêlîn hit the enemy right in the heart. Our self-sacrifice comrades overcame all kinds of enemy obstacles and reached the capital of the Republic of Turkey, Ankara, and their target, their composure, their way of heading, their masterful striking style and their unparalleled courage have definitely demonstrated that the Apoist self-sacrifice militants are unstoppable and uncontrollable when they lock on to their target. Apoist self-sacrifice comrades Asya and Rojger destroyed the enemy's gendarmerie, paramilitary gangs, army, special JÖH and PÖH in the middle of Ankara, conquered their target and held it for 74 minutes, and made the enemy suffer through epic fighting. According to the information we received from two sources regarding the outcome of the TAI action; the enemy had 40 dead and more than 100 wounded. Comrades Asya and Rojger, the devotees of the Immortals Battalion, have further advanced and peaked the PKK's measures of self-sacrificing action, which began with the Amed Dungeon Resistance and reached a line with Zilan's action. The devotion, courage, military style, professionalism and epic heroism of the action of comrades Asya and Rojger have added a new dimension to the Apoist self-sacrificing struggle style. The colonialist and genocidal Turkish state has made various efforts to reduce the impact of this action. However, these efforts are completely in vain. Because the action of the Immortals Battalion has resonated all over the world and has given the necessary message to our people's friends and enemies in the simplest way.

Our devotees Asya and Rojger, who have given us all great messages with their very meaningful, striking, deep and historical letters and reminded us of our burning duties, have proven how Apoist self-sacrificing militancy can destroy an occupying army by working shoulder to shoulder. This action of our sacrificers has once again shown that in a war, the determining factors are not numbers, equipment, possibilities and conditions, but the real determining factors are the spirit of sacrifice, the right lifestyle, intelligence, creativity, the ability to apply these correctly and professionalism. In this sense, it has shown how high personalities who have managed to reach the Apoist spirit of sacrifice, the right comradeship, the standards of free women and free men can be.

The fact that this self-sacrificing action took place right on the eve of the anniversary of comrade Beritan's martyrdom was also very meaningful, and once again revealed how sharp and powerful the attitude of Apoist self-sacrificing militancy against surrender and betrayal is. Apoist self-sacrificing militant comrade Asya Ali became the claw that struck the enemy in the heart of the Beritans who took wings from the cliffs to freedom. With her historical action, comrade Asya became a pioneer militant who embodied the level reached by free Kurdish women. She embodied the greatness of the women's freedom struggle, how fierce the love of freedom is, her passionate devotion, her insistence on free life, her pioneering mission, her determination in the Apoist line, her depth in military art and her efforts to raise the standards of free life as an undeniable truth. Comrade Asya, who set out with Kurdish Love, reached the true expression of Free Kurdish Love with her struggle and action and became its symbol. We remember all our martyrs with the deepest devotion, respect and love, in the person of our comrades Asya Ali, Rojger Helin and Memed Cudi, who were martyred in the October struggle. As the Kurdistan Freedom Guerrilla, we reiterate our promise to follow in the footsteps of our martyrs and crown their struggle with victory.

The detailed war balance sheet for October is as follows:


Warplane Attack 302

Helicopter Attack 347

Chemical Weapon Attack 1

Explosive Loaded Drone Attack 2

Prohibited Explosive Attack 101


Comrades Who Reached Martyrdom 3


Guerrilla Actions Carried Out from the Air 1

Guerrilla Actions Carried Out from the Land 96

Total Guerrilla Actions Carried Out 97


Number of Invaders Punished 36

Number of Ranked Invaders Punished 1

Number of Invaders Injured 11


Excavator 1

Military Vehicle 1

Truck 2

Radar System 1

Drone 6

Chain Grenade Launcher 1

Mobesse Camera 4

Position 1

80 kg explosives


Skorsky Helicopter 1

Excavator 2

Military Vehicle 2

Tractor 1

Mobesse Camera 1

Position 4


HK-416 Personal Weapon 1

Charger 1

Bullet 30

Weapon Laser 1

Weapon Flashlight 1

Knife 2

Assault Vest 1

Aselsan Handheld Radio 1

November 4, 2024

HPG Press Center