Народные силы самообороны


1. On 28th of June, 2010, in between 14:30-16:30 hours, our YJA-STAR Guerrillas carried an action against the enemies Sereseve Battalion, soldiers placed on the Hill to secure this Battalion, and the Darsingi station for commemoration of Martry of Comrade Zilan, and the Rape Culture applied against the women.

As a result of this action, the building of the army station, 1 tank, and many numbers of the enemy positions and military buildings have been mostly damaged. Afterwards of the action, the Turkish state army with no aim, opened fire on surrounding area with heavy weapons. And, at around 17:00 hours, the war-planes belongs to the Turkish state army attempted to have air raid against the Area of Zap/the Medya Defence Areas. Yet, as a result of resistance of our Air Defence Forces, the enemy war planes could’nt be able to bombard suppose targets and droped the bombs, with no aim, on the Hill of Ferhat, the village of below and upper Nerve, the areas of Sive, Sikefta Birindara and Xeregol.

2. On 28th of June, 2010, the Turkish state army continuesly bombarding the area of Zap in general/the Medya Defence Areas, with obus and mortars. As a result of this bombardments, a fire has been started on the Hills of Ferhat and Angola, which has been distinguished by our guerrillas. The obus and mortar attack continues.

3. In between 20:00 hours of 29th and 01:00 hours of 30th of June, 2010, the Turkish state army continuesly bombarded the areas of Sesdara and Geliye Sex Cuma in Haftanin/the Medya Defence Areas, with obus and mortars.

4. On 28th of June, 2010, at around 21:00 hours, as a result of a conspiracy, a group of our Guerrillas, who went for a duty, clashed with enemy nearby the area of the village of Yukari Konak/Sebinkarahisar/Giresun. As a result of this clash with enemy, 1 (one) of our Guerrilla named Pale (Resul Akbulut) have reached to his testimony, after brave resistance.

The I.D. Details of Our Martered Guerrilla as Follows;

Pale - Resul Akbulut

Code Name: Pale Mardin

Real Name: Resul Akbulut

Year and Place of Birth: 1969/Mardin

Year and Place of Participation: 1989/Botan

Name of Mother: Hanim

Name of Father: Mahmut

Year and Place of Martry: 28th of June,2010/Sebinkarahisar-Giresun


The Press Liasion Center – HPG
