Народные силы самообороны

Press Release

As we stated in our statement dated June 21, 2022; Hulusi Akar and Tayyip Erdoğan are spending the soldiers they deported to guerrilla areas only to protect their own power.

They hide the deaths of the soldiers, who they don't care about, from the public with great hypocrisy. All the people of Kurdistan, the people of Turkey and the public should know that the Turkish army hides the blows it received and the deaths of soldiers. Not only does he hide their deaths, he leaves the bodies of many soldiers in the field and leaves them to rot, not even giving their bodies to their families.

In our statement dated 7 July 2022; On July 7, at 08:15, we shared the information that 2 Turkish soldiers who wanted to advance towards the Girê Şehîd Pîrdoxan battle positions in the Girê Amediyê Resistance Area were punished and that the body of one soldier was in the hands of our forces.

It has been clarified that the name of the soldier who died on July 7, 2022 and whose funeral is in the hands of our forces is Naci Kaygısız. It was understood that this soldier was a member of the Turkish special forces and that his death was hidden from the public. As we have shared with the public before, those who sent these soldiers to the invasion campaign of Kurdistan do not claim the funeral of their own soldiers. That's why we call on the family of the Turkish soldier named Naci Kaygısız, stating that we can deliver the bodies of their children through civilians if they demand. His family can come to Amediyê district of Duhok province in Bashure Kurdistan and contact us through the civilians in the region.

July 10, 2022

HPG Press Centre