Народные силы самообороны


1- In the morning hours of 27 April, the occupier forces of the Turkish state army launched a military operation in the areas of Uzuntarla and the Valley of Xarcik/Central Dersim. The operation in the area still continues.

2- The occupier forces of the Turkish state army have been carrying out obus and mortar attacks, within different hours, on the areas of Ertus, Cilo and Ciyares/Cukurca/Hakkari.

3- On 20 April, the occupier forces of the Turkish state army launched a military operation against the Villages of Destike Mistoxe, Geliye Gurdila and Awal, in the area of Gabar/Sirnak. On the same day at around 12:00 hour, a clash occurred in between our guerrillas and the operational enemy forces. Aftermath of the clashes, while the cobra type helicopters carried out intense bombardments, the drones also were flying on the area. As a result of these clashes, while we couldn't be able to clerified the number of killed and wounded enemy soldiers, 1 of our guerrilla name Azad Kurt reached to martry after brave resistance.

The I.D. Details of our Martryed Guerrilla are as Follow:

Code Name: Azad Kurt

Real Name: Sadik Dulekan

Year and Place of Birth: 1984/Mingol

Year and Place of Participation: 2004/Urmiye

Name of Mother: Zahide

Name of Father: Muhammed

Date and Place of Martry: 20 April 2012/Gabar, Sirnak

4- We have had already announced a clash, which occurred in the district of Pulumur/Dersim on 30 December 2011, and as a result 7 of our guerrillas reached to martry. We have also gave their names as follow; Aziz Dersim (Mehmet Gunes), Isa Cihad (Cihan Tarkan), Zinar Siirt (Abdullah Dulek), Sason Zagros (Behman Zari), Mahsum Cayan (Rufai Elik) and, Ozgur Roni (Sami Demir). Our other martryed guerrilla's ID details are as follow:

Code Name: Dijwar Yilmaz

Real Name: Tayfun Turkoglu

Year and Place of Birth: 1993/Bismil, Amed

Name of Mother: Zarife

Name of Father: Cafer

Year and Place of Participation: 2011/Dersim

Date and Place of Martry: 30 December 2011/ Pulumur, Dersim

5- During the Autumm of 2011, our guerrillas have had carried an action against a drone, which was flying over the area of Ertus/Zap/the Medya Defence Areas. Aftermath of the action, the drone flew away with smoke and we couldn't be able to clerified the result. Yet, the wreckage of the drone, named Bayraktar, have been found and as a result has been clerified that it had been hit down by our guerrillas. We will be sharing the images of the wreckage of the drone with our people and public in the coming days.

HPG Media and Communication Center
