Народные силы самообороны


1. On 29 November, 2009, an military operation initiated by the Turkish state army against guerrilla field of Botan region in general. Thousands of soldiers participated in the operation, which was in comprehensive scope. Despite the great sensitivity of our guerrillas, two required conflict has occured:  One of the conflict occurred on the night of 29th of November, at around 01:30am, in the rural area of the village of Bana / Gabar . and as a result Amed  (Halis Burak) ; The second conflict occured with a moving enemy troops on 4th of December in the field of Pikera/Gundik Remo/Cudi, and as a result Zafer (Metin Gulac) and Harun (Yakup Dellayimilan) had reached the testimony after heroic guerrilla war.

The Detail I.D. Records of our Fallen Friends are as Follows:

Code Name: Zafer Cudi
Real Name: Metin Gulac
Date of Birth and Place: 1983 / Sirnak
Date of Participation: 1999 / Maxmur
Name of Mother: Idel
Name of Father: Esref
Date of Martery: 4 December, 2009, Cudi / Sirnak

Zafer Cudi: Comrade Zafer born in 1983 in the village of Gundik Remo in Sirnak and, during the periods of ongoing intense fighting of a existence battle he gives his sister martry. No longer, as his  mission to go to Mountains of Freedom can not be postponed . His march in the mountains begin in 1999 as our comrade Zafer reaches to the conception that his freedom will pass through his people’s freedom. Our Leader’s captivity makes a huge impact. Due to his attendancy in early ages, for a while, has trained by our friends. In addition, he also stayed beside our friends in senior management in order to understand the organizational functioning. In 2005, he believes that there is necessity to go to the northern areas. Comrade Zafer goes to Botan field  together with the great commander comrade Adil. An essence of victory have been added to his march, because his  tradition of honesty and patriotism. Comrade Zafer always agile, attack, active and resulting the activities he attended, and during his 4 years of guerrilla practice in the mountains of Botan he was in his peak.


Code Name: Harun Betırs
Real Name: Yakup Dellayımılan
Date of Birth and Place: 1984 / Caldiran /East Kurdistan
Date of Participation: 2006 /---
Name of Mother: Misri
Name of Father: Suleyman
Date of Martery: 4 December 2009 / Cudi-Sirnak

Harun Betirs: Comrade Harun born in 1984 in the zone of Caldiran in Eastern Kurdistan. He grown up in an environment of mrttyrs. He participates to the Freedom Movement in 2006. He also followed his leader, like all the honored real kurds, who claim to become a his comrade. Comrade Harun have bond his comrades hearts with his honesty and commitment , humble and hardworking nature and to continue the struggle goes to the lands of Botan in Northern areas. He reaches to a chance to perform a guerrilla practice in a beatifull and rebelliousness  landscape of Cudi. He worked as a democrat and peace worrier, who didn’t approach to the enemy  as they approach and not except the Kurds to live with their own will and trying to destroy in a world we live in. He defended his historical rights with the same thought and combatants. Comrade Harun has reached testimony as one of militant proletarian of this case.


Code Name: Amed Siyabend
Real Name: Halis Burak
Date of Birth and Place: 1980 / Silvan - Amed
Date of Participation: 2006 / Xakurke
Name of Mother: Fatma
Name of Father: Mehmet
Date of Martery: 30 November 2009 / Gabar, Sirnak

Amed Siyabend: Comrade Amed born in the town of Silvan/Amed. He grow up in a family  environment of a patriots and martyrs. Comrade Amed becomes revolutionary and participates to the guerrilla as a result of an interest in the freedom struggle and as he lives contradictions  in the system , the system policies of the genocide and slaughter  against the kurdish people.  Comrade Amed became known by his comrades with his mature, honest and prolaterian character. After his basic training course in 2006, he proposes  to go the Northern areas.    He wanted to vomit his historical anger and quinine against the enemies normalization approach of the denial policies of the Kurdish people.  His request have been approved in a short time, and took courageously his position in the struggle to integration with leader APO. But, couldn’t be able to continue his struggle to lead his people, and this became more of a reasonings  for us to cuddle our case. We, as his comrades,  will be worthy of our Comrade Harun in his walking path and just case.

2. A statement made by the Central Command of the HPG in memory of the comrades Zafer, Harun and Amed, who reached testimony. In the statement, “ On a such period that as our eyes are on Imrali, it is a reality that they were worthy their leadership and of Kurdistan and,  the brave militants of the Pkk, which is proud of independency, in the war of a legitimate defence to protect and defend the Freedom Areas.  As a HPG forces, we vail in front of the memories of our comrades and it is our historical depth to stay bound to their memories. We, once more repeat that their stand and posture against all the annihilation orientated approaches, which is a honorary position of all the oppressed people, and we repeate our plight towards our comrades, who reached testimony in resistance struggle in the mountains of Botan,” said.

The Press Liasion Center – HPG

8 December 2009