Народные силы самообороны


1- On 22 June, the Turkish state army carried a military operation for a day in the rural areas of the Villages of Kole and Nerdusa/Semzinan/Hakkari. During the military operation, soldiers belongs to the Turkish state army confiscated animals belongs to the Villagers of the both Kole and Nerdusa.


2- On 21 June in between 21:00-22:00 hours, Cobra attack helicopters belongs to the Turkish state army carried an attack on the areas of Kucuk Gare and the Fortress of Ertus/Zap/the Medya Defence Areas. As a result of this attack, our guerrillas retaliated with air defence and as a result a short period of a clash occurred.

3- On 23 June in between 04:00-05:00 hours, the Turkish state army carried obus and mortar attack on the area of the Village of Ertus, the Hills of Sehit Cihat and Ceko.

HPG Press and Communication Center
