Народные силы самообороны

Press Release

The Turkish occupation army carried out an extensive air operation in Gare on 18 April and bombed different areas and the surroundings of villages 28 times with fighter jets. The Special War Ministry [Ministry of Defence] claims that we had six casualties in these attacks.

However, we have not suffered any casualties at all as a result of these air strikes. Our patriotic people and the public must not give any value to the special war lies of the fascist AKP/MHP regime.

The details of the attacks carried out by the invading Turkish army are as follows;

1. The attacks carried out by the invading Turkish army with prohibited weapons;

– On April 18, our resistance positions in Sîda were bombed once with prohibited weapons.

2. The attacks carried out by the invading Turkish army;

– On April 18, the Girê Bahar area, the lands of the Garê's Kanîsarkê, Yekmale, Gûzê, Şiyê, Zêvkê, Sêdarê villages, the Sîser slopes, Girê Egîd and Deşta Kafya areas were bombed 28 times with warplanes.

– On 18 and 19 April, our resistance positions in Girê Cûdî Resistance Area and Çemço and Sîda were bombed 4 times with attack helicopters, 57 times with howitzers, tanks and heavy weapons.

April 20, 2023

HPG Press Centre