Народные силы самообороны

Press Release

1. Within the scope of the Bazên Zagrosê Revolutionary Campaign in the Zap region;

– On January 24, at 15:15, the invaders in Girê Koordîne were targeted and shot by our forces with heavy weapons.

– On January 24, at 16:10, the invaders in Kela Bedewe were shot from two sides with heavy weapons.

As a result of these two actions, in which the positions of the invaders were targeted, the targets were hit effectively.

2. On January 21, between 01:22 and 01:25, the villages of Bilmendê and Muselaka in the Garê region were bombed 6 times with warplanes.

– On January 22, at 10:25, the Dergelê village in the Metîna region was bombed with warplanes.

– On January 22, at 10:30, the Goşîne area in the Xakurkê region was bombed with warplanes.

– On January 22, between 09:00 and 09:30, the Sîda area in the Zap region and the Çemço area on January 25 at 16:30 were bombed with warplanes 4 times.

– On January 22, between 19:30 and 00:00, there was helicopter activity on the Qaşura line of the Metina region.

– On January 26, at 16:45, the Sinînê area of ​​Xakurkê was bombed with warplanes.

– On January 26, at 04:00, the Barzan area was bombed with warplanes.

As a result of these intense air attacks carried out by the invading Turkish state, our guerrilla forces did not suffer any losses.

January 27, 2022

HPG Press Centre