Народные силы самообороны


We have had already informed the public in regarding to the military operation launched by the Turkish state army in the area Siwara Bene/Cukurca/Hakkari on 29 June. As military operation began on 29 June, intensive clashes occurred in between operational enemy forces and our guerrillas for four days in the area of the Hill of Hine and the Straits of Siwara Bene. Time to time these clashes also occurred on the otherside of the border as well and as a result the number of soldiers that we could be able to clerify killed by our guerrillas in these clashes are 10. Also, during these clashes total of 5 enemy soldiers wounded including the Commander of the Army station Captain Ethem Kara, 2 professional sergent and 1 non-commisioned Officer. During these clashes, which continued until 3 July, the Turkish state army used intensive military equipment in the areas of where the clashes occurred, including the bombardments made by Cobra type attack helicopters, obus, mortar and tanks. During military operation, the Turkish state army have been surroundered the areas of Tiyare, Bilican, Direvle and Sulside with also under support of armoured military vehicles and entries to these areas prohibited. As military operation faced with defence of our guerrillas, Cobra type attack helicopters belongs to the Turkish state army throwed gasses with the colour of blue and yellow a little like close to dark green. The Turkish state army's intention to cross the border have been stopped by our guerrillas and the military operation in the area still continues.

HPG Press and Communication Center
