Народные силы самообороны


1- On 10 August in between 19:00-20:30 hours, our guerrillas carried out road and I.D. check-up on the Road of Amed-Bingol.

2- On 11 August, our guerrillas carried out a sabotage action against Iran-Turkey natural gaz pipelie in Dogubeyazit/Agri. In mean time, our guerrillas also destroyed a bulldozer and 3 vehicles in a work yard nearby the Village of Camurlu.

3- On 11 August at around 18:30 hour, our guerrillas carried an action against a military vehicle in between the Xabur border gate and the Village of Gite/Silopi/Sirnak. As a result of this action, the military vehicle and 8 soldiers in it have been destroyed and killed by our guerrillas.

4- On 12 August in between 15:00-18:30 hours, our guerrillas carried out a road and I.D. check-up on the Highway of Mus-Kulp. As a result of this action, a soldier belongs to the Turkish state army name Aykut Celik taken as a POW and an official working as a reserve head of a district of Horasan/Erzurum has been arrested by our guerrillas.

5- The military operation launched by the Turkish state army on 8 August in the area of Yukari Ovacik/Dersim on 8 August have had partially pulled back on 12 August, yet the operation still continues with search and ambushes carried out by hidden troops left in the area.

6- The ambushes of the Turkish sate army, which began on 3 August, in and the surrounding areas of the Villages of Xirep, Cinata, Xirbika, Xirbe Mamide, Mistine, Kewarexe and Derceme in the districts of Omerli and Nusaybin/Mardin still continues.

7- On 9 August at around 23:00 hour, our guerrillas destroyed 5 vehicles in the work yard of a building a dam in the district of Karliova/Bingol, after intensive complains made by our people living in the area. Also, our guerrillas arrested two nephews name Mehmet Uslu and Mehmet Akif Uslu of the bussinesman, and a worker name Emrah Avli in the work yard.

HPG Press and Communication Center
