Народные силы самообороны


1- In between 15-20 December 2011, the colonist Turkish state army launched a military operation in the area of Gorse/Dicle/Amed. During the operation intensive military technics used and while the area intensively bombarded by the war-planes and cobra type helicopters, clashes also occurred. The facist turkish state army wanted to get a result by also using winter conditions. As result of almost one week long attack and clashes while there are no looses from our guerrilas, two of our guerrillas name Berxwedan (Yalcin Yanar)(as a wounded) and Hamza (Mehmet Salih Narin) captivated by enemy. The reports on the enemy press do not reflects the facts and such reports prepared by the special warfare press as a part of the psycoholigical and dirty war to demorilize our people's moral and to hide their unsucces.

2- On 31 December, two members of our valuable people, Metin Kar and Agit Altan, who were carrying out works within the Self-defence, cold-bloodedly executed by the facist policeman, in the suburb of Huzurevleri/Kayapinar/Amed. We call on our people to welcome their heroic children, who have been martryd, with a spirit of Serhildans and resist against the massacres trying to be put into practise by enemy.

3- As you all aware that the colonist Turkish state army carried out 13 days long military operation in our area of Cudi. We have received an information that during this operation one of our guerrilla friend name Zilan Bagok have been martryd.

Code Name: Zilan Bagok

Real Name: Gulnaz Demir

Year and Place of Birth: 1985/Mardin

Name of Mother: Hamdiye

Name of Father: Mehmet Emin

Year and Place of Participation: 2002/Mardin

Date and Place of Martry: ... December 2011/Cudi, Sirnak

HPG Media and Communication Center
