Народные силы самообороны


On 2 August at around 09:30 hour, the colonist Iranian army launched a attack against the Hill of Casus in the area of Kotaman/Mnt. Kandil/the Medya Defence Areas.

The first attack launched by Iranian army at around 09:30 hour in three different points and broken by Guerrilla joint forces of both the HPG and HRK, and Iranian army made three different other attempts as well and couldn't be able to get any result. On the same day at around 23:00 hour, the Iranian army pulled back and then carried out intensive bombardment of the area with obus, mortar, Katyusa and tanks.


On the same night at around 24:00 hour, our guerrillas carried an action against a Hill where the Iranian soldiers were.

In early morning hours of second day of the Iranian army attack, 3 September, while the Iranian army began its intensive bombardment of the area, also attampted to infiltrate to the area, where this attack also were repulsed by the guerrillas of HPG and HRK. In afternoon hours the clashes partialy decreased, yet in the evening hours the Iranian army attacks increased again. On the night of 3 September, the Iranian army attempted to infiltrate against the Hill of Casus under its heavy bombardments and again repulsed by guerrillas. All night along, the Iranian army bombarded the Hill of Casus, the area of Dola Koke, the Hill sides of Cekic with obus, mortar, Katyusah and tanks. After the occupation of the Iranian army have been stopped by HPG and HRK guerrillas, yet attacks of the Iranian army also continued in the morning hours of 4 September.

As a result of these clashes and actions taken by HPG-HRK guerrillas for three days now, it has been clerified that at least 76 soldiers and village-guard of Iran army killed and many more wounded, including the head of military intelligence of the area of Serdest. In these clashes, 6 vehicle and 1 tank belongs to the enemy also destroyed by guerrillas.

As a result of bombardments made by Iranian army, the civilian areas targeted and houses, gardens and places belongs to the civilians greatly destroyed and damaged. Also, there has been a bush fire began in between the area of the Villages of Meredo-Zewke-Alires, which still continues.

We will be sharing the details of continuing clashes with public as we receive it.

2- On 3 September in between 20:00-22:00 hours, the Turkish state army carried obus and mortar attack on the areas of Gire Xwede, Dola Zete and Gire Ronahi/Zagros/the Medya Defence Areas.

HPG Press and Communication Center
