Народные силы самообороны


1. On 28th of June, 2010, our Guerrilla Forces carried an action against the Kizilkopru Army Station, the Hill which secure the station and the soldiers whome were awating for the helicopter to take them. Ten soldiers, whome were awaring for a helicopter to take them away, and the helicopter have been hit by our Guerrilla Forces. The helicopter have been damaged and flew away without taking the soldiers. As a result of this action, the number of losses of the enemy couldn’t be able to clarified by our Guerrilla Forces.

2. On 28th of June, 2010, in between 21:30-23:00 hours, the Turkish state army bombarded the Hills of Serbend, Vacip, Cete and Xarip, and the areas of Bezenike and Ava Guze in Haftanin/the Medya Defence Areas, with obus and mortars. As a result of this bombardment fire has been started in the area and still continues.

3. On 28th June, 2010, in between 21:30-22:00 hours, the Turkish state army bombarded surrounding area of the village of Keste/Haftanin/the Medya Defence Areas, with obus and mortars. As a result of this bombardment fire has been started in the area and still continues.

4. Since 27th of June, 2010, the Turkish state army have been bombarding the area of Sehit Beritan and, the Hills of Karker and Koordine/Xakurke/the Medya Defence Areas, with obus and mortars.

5. On 28th of June, 2010, the war-planes belongs to the Turkish state army flew over the areas of Xakurke, Kandil and Xinera/the Medya Defence Areas, at a low altitude. No raids have been made.

6. On 27th of June,2010, at around 21:45 hours, our Guerrilla Forces carried an action against the Jandarmeria Commandment in the district of Cukurca/Hakkari. As a result of this action, while the military vehicles burnt, we couldn’t be able to clarify about the losses of the enemy. Afterwards of this action, soldiers belongs to the Turkish state army fired around with no aim. After this action, the entry and exit to Cukurca have been prohibited for two days by the Turkish state army.

The Press Liasion Centre – HPG
