Народные силы самообороны

Press Release

1. Within the framework of the Cenga Xabur Revolutionary Campaign, in the Metîna region; 

– On November 27, at 15:00, 1 A-4 position belonging to the invaders in Girê Milîtan on the Qaşura area was targeted by our forces.

As a result of this action, 1 invader was injured. 

– On November 28, at 10:30, our mobile guerrilla teams carried out a coordinated guerrilla action from two sides against the invaders in Girê Milîtan on the Qaşura area.

The first and second action arms simultaneously targeted 6 invaders who were working on the position and hit them at close range. As a result of this successful action, which was carried out with the guerrilla tactic of the new era, at least 2 invaders were punished.

2. Between 27 and 29 November, the areas of Çemço, Rênçbiraxa, Girê FM and Sîda in the Zap region were bombed with howitzers fired from the outposts on the borderline.

– On November 27, at 15:15, Girê Hakkari in the Metîna region was bombed by warplanes. 

– On November 20, at 18:00, the Ergene area of ​​the Garê region and the Deriyê Hirçê area on November 27, at 15:00, were bombed with warplanes. As a result of these bombardments carried out by the invading Turkish army, material damage occurred in the vineyards and gardens of civilians.

29 November 2021

HPG Press Centre