Народные силы самообороны

To the public and the Press

As a result of the military operation carried out by the Turkish army on the 17th of October, 2009, one of our guerrilla of the People’s Defence Force (HPG) named Ferhat (Muhammed Hamudi had been martryed.

And, his full I.D. information is as follows:

Code Name: Ferhat SILVAN

Real Name: Muhammed HAMUDI

Date of Birth: 1984/Afrin

Date of Joining to Struggle: 2001/ Aleppo

Mother Name: Sidika

Fother Name : Tahir

Date of martry: 17th of October, 2009 / Cudi. Sirnak

Comrade Ferhat Silvan have borned in 1984 in the city of Afrin in West of Kurdistan. He was a son of a patriotic kurdish family, where he met with the kurdish freedom struggle in his early ages. Comrade Ferhat was an active during in his civilian life, yet, after the international conspiracy against our leader Abdullah Ocalan, he decided to join the guerrilla forces. Because, he believed that the activities he is doing is not enough against such conspiracy and, joins to the guerrilla in the year of 2001.

Comrade Ferhat Silvan has been known by his comrades in the areas that he stayed as a proletar, honest and devoted person. Comrade Ferhat Silvan was devoted his life to the leadership, people and the struggle fort he last 8 years of being in the guerrilla forces.

Also, the Central Command Centre have made a press statement saying; ‘ As a HPG, we have assign our selves, as comrade Ferhat did, in the war of the Selfe Defence Resistancy until the end.’ The pres statement also said: ‘ We, again, promise to continue our struggle to reach our aspiration of to free Abdullah Ocalan and the Kurdistan’.

20th October, 2009

HPG Press Liasion Center