Народные силы самообороны


1. The Turkish state army have shelled the area of Ciyares/ in the Zap area/ part of the Medya Defence Areas, in the morning hours of 09:00-10:00, on the 28th of October, 2009. During shelling, Turkish army used obus and mortars.

2. On the 24th of October, 2009, the Turkish satate army bombarded the areas of Avasin, Basya, Dola Sive and Hergus/ Zap/ Medya Defence Areas. Turkish army used obus and mortars during this attack. The shelling continued non-stop until late night of the 25th of October. As a result of these attacks one of our guerilla named Erdal (Ziyaddin Gunay) have been martered.

3. On the 11th of July, 2009, a guerilla named Sarya (Gulistan Ebubekir) have had wounded as a result of the bombardment made by the Cobra type helicopters during a military operation carried out by the Turkish state army in Gabar/Sirnak. She lost of her life and martered on the 23th of October, 2009.

4. On the 16th of October, 2009, two of our guerillas named Erdal (Izzettin Aktas) and Akif (Celal Avcil) and one patriot named Sefih Kadiri ( Borned 1981,in Urmiye; name of father is Musa; name of mother is Rewsen) who was going through the border of iran to an another area, hve been killed by the soldiers of the Iranian regime, and became marteres.

The Detail I.D.’s  of the Martyred guerrillas are as follow:

Erdal MARDIN; Comrade Erdal have borned in 1987 in Mardin, and during in his early ages, he understood the policies of the oppression, denial and the torture, and as a result he worked in many democratic organizations as well as in the youth organization. Comrade Erdal decided to join the guerilla forces after he concluded  that the isolation policies against our leader and the policies of the denial and annihilation against the Kurdish people can only be best answered by joining to the guerilla. Comrade Erdal said; ‘ My biggest aim is to develop myself on the line of leadership in order to become the militant of the line for the freedom of our leader’. He has shown his stand for his leadership within his 4 years of guerilla life with his moral, princibals and happiness within the life, until the last minutes.


Code Name: Erdal MARDIN

Real Name: Ziyaddin GUNAY

Date of Birth: 1987/Mardin

Date of Participation: 2005/Sirnak

Name of Mother: Resmo

Name of Father: Mehmet

Date of Martered:25th of October,2009/Zagros/Medya Defence Areas



Sarya CUDI; Comrade Sarya have had borned in 1980, in Qamislo in West Kurdistan, and after the international complo against our leader  he decided to join the guerilla as a one of Kurdish Girl to become leading struggler for his people. In the areas she stayed as a guerilla for the last ten years, her comrades liked her very much for her stand in the life and bounded to her leadership, people and her comrades .

Code Name: Sarya CUDI

Real Name: Gulistan EBUBEKIR

Date of Birth: 1980/Qamislo

Date of Participation: 1999/Kandil

Name of Mother: Feyruz

Name of Father: Nuri

Date of Martered:23th of October 2009/Sirnak


Akif MARDİN; Comrade Akif have borned in Savur/Mardin. During his participation to the guerrilla forces in 2002, he said; ‘ One of my biggest aim is to reach to a caracter of a militant and and as well as to reach to the actionable power. I have a will and trust in me’. In his seven years of guerilla life, he always aimed to enlighten and develop himself. He was in love with his leadership, people and his comrades, and he showed this with his fedaii stand, who became an example of a militant.

Code Name: Akif MARDIN

Real Name: Celal AVCIL

Date of Birth: 1977/Mardin

Date of Participation: 2002/Istanbul

Name of Mother: Cicek

Name of Father: Bedirhan

Date of Martered:16th of October, 2009/Border of Iran

Erdal BOTAN; Comrade Erdal have borned in Sirnak in 1982, openly saw all the practises of the dirty games that the enemy is continuesly playing in Kurdistan. He belived and said that the only way is to participate to the guerilla forces, and participated in 2008. Although comrade Erdal was our new comrade, because of his living and mature stand, and his jokes he became a militant of Apo, who always loved by his comrades. The day of his participation to the last breath, comrade Erdal lived bounded to his leadership, people and comrades, who became one of the young passengers of the immortals’ caravan.

Code Name: Erdal BOTAN

Real Name: Izzettin AKTAS

Date of Birth: 1982/Sirnak

Date of Participation: 2008/Gare

Name of Mother: Nahide

Name of Father: Bahattin

Date of Martered:16th of October/Border of Iran


29th of October, 2009