Народные силы самообороны


1- On 15 November in between 19:00-19:30 hours, the colonist Turkish state army carried out obus and mortar attack on the area of Mam Reso/Zagros/the Medya Defence Areas.

2- The HPG Central Command's statement dated 10 November in regarding to a martry of our guerrilla friend name Hasan Goste (Omer Erdogan), who reached to his testimony during an action carried out by our guerrillas in the district of Piran/Amed. And, we said that we will share the details of this with public. After our investigations it has been cleared that our guerrilla friend Hasan reached to martry after he has been hit by a bullet on his head during the action, which he was involved. The information in regarding to execution of him did not corrected by our friends, who were with him during his martry. This is a announcement to the public with all our respect in regard to the incident.

HPG Press and Communication Center
