Народные силы самообороны


1- On 28 March, we have shared the list of the I.D. details of our friends in regarding to the incident occurred in the area of Sex Cuma, in the district of Hizan,Bitlis, on 24 March. In the list, we have given one of our friends' code name only. The full I.D. detail of our friend as follow;

Code Name: Rozerin Amara

Real Name: Hediye Akdogan

Year and Place of Birth: 1983/Antep (Originally from Siirt)

Name of Mother: Kumri

Name of Father: Ibrahim

Year and Place of Participation: 2002/Kelares

Date and Place of Martry: 24 March 2012/Hizan, Bitlis

2- On 1 April in between 04:00-05:00 hours, the war-planes belongs to the occupier forces of the Turkish state army carried out air-bombardments on the surrounding areas of the Village of Zergele/Kandil/the Medya Defence Areas.

HPG Media and Communication Center
