Народные силы самообороны


1- On 11 September at around 21:50 hour, our guerrillas carried actions against many pozitions of the enemy in the Centra of Semdinli. Thus are;


- Our guerrillas carried up an action against the Semdinli Commando Batallion. As a result, there has been a fire began in three different points of the battalion, where the fires continued until late hours.

- Our guerrillas carried their second action against the Semdinli Military Affiliation Branc, Regiment, -Brigate, and Military Houses. As a result, fires began in the buildings.

- Another action carried out by our guerrillas was against the Police check-point on the Road of Semdinli-Gever. As a result, 3 Policeman killed and 2 Panzer destroyed by our guerrillas.

- Our guerrillas carried other action against the Building of the Head official of the District, the Houses belongs to the Gendarmerie HQ and the military positions in the surrounding area. As a result, there has been a clashes occurred in the Gendarmerie Station, where 45 soldiers and a panzer positioned, our guerrillas destroyed the two military huts there, and yet number of killed and wounded soldiers belongs to the enemy couldn't be clerified here. In these clashes, 2 of our guerrillas Code name Rubar Hacelya (Real Name: Salman Gul; Year and Place of Birth: 1986/Van) and Adil Rezan (Fehmi Akdeniz; 1990/Ozalp-Van) reached to martry after brave resistance. We will be sharing detail I.D.'s of our martryed guerrillas once the details clerified.

- Our guerrillas also targeted the Houses of the Special Operational Teams and Police HQ as well. Here, clashes continued for two hours, where there were 100 special operational Teams and 4 panzers. As a result, while 11 soldiers belongs to the enemy killed by our guerrillas, also fire began in the buildings. Also, 1 HK-33 weapon and 1 walkie-talkie belongs to the enemy have been confiscated by our guerrillas.

- While our guerrillas were carrying out these actions, in mean time, also our guerrillas carried out actions against the Gare Battalion and enemy positions on the Hill of Genis. As a result of these actions, the position where enemy keeps its heavy weaponary, the Communication building, military casino and the building of the Commander largely damaged and fire began in the buildings. Aftermath of the action, enemy carried obus and mortar attack on the Village of Gunde Mele with no aim and as a result two mortar shells hit a two houses in the village, damages the both houses.

Aftermath of all these actions, the Turkish state army cut off all the lights of the military targets and prohibited the exit and enterence to the city. Later, tens of ambulances and scorscy type helicopters left to go to Semdinli. Also, the cobra type helicopters came in for a support of the enemy and bombarded the surrounding area of the Village of Sapata with no aim. In mean time obus, mortar and tank attacks carried by the enemy as well.

As a result of attacks carried by the colonist Tyrkish state army 4 civilians martryed and 8 others wounded. Our guerrillas have nothing to do in regarding to explosions in the place of wedding party as reported in the Turkish press. Our guerrillas did not whatsoever initiate any action in this area. The Turkish army knowingly targeted the district of Semdinli and shoot fires on the district with no aim. As a result of shooting of the enemy in the district buildings damaged in many areas of the district.

2- On 9 September, our guerrillas taken a police officer, Nadir Ozgen from the city of Aydin, as a prisoner in the district of Gurpinar/Van.

HPG Press and Communication Center
