Народные силы самообороны


1- On 2nd of August, 2010, at around 08:30 hours, Sehit Medeni Revenge Team carried a sabotage action on the Sivas-Erzincan railway line, nearby the area of Cebesoy/Kemah, against a freight train carrying a military equipment. As a result of sabotage action, out of 24 cars carrying reo type military vehicles and 7 cars carrying ammunition, 8 of the cars fallen out of railway line. The sabotage action planned under the control and aimed only the cars of the train carrying military equipments.

The Sivas-Erzincan Railway line greatly damaged and still has not opened to transport. Later of this action, at around 10:30 hours, the Turkish state army launched a military operation in the area. The operation still continues.


Despite the anonsment made before by the HPG Central Command that the civilians shall not use the transports that the army carries military equipments, the Turkish state knowingly using civilians during transportation of the military equipments. Once more, we warn our people not to use any transport vehicles which also carries military equipments.

2- We have had already anounced that as a result of a clash which occurred in between our guerrillas and the enemy forces nearby the village of Hestvan/Gercus/Batman, and as a result one of our guerrilla friend reached to testimony on 28th of July, 2010. Yet, the Turkish press have had given the name, who supposed to lost his life, as a Mehmet Gok. Mehmet Gok is well sound and is still on a duty as part of a his guerrilla unit. This misinformation given by the Turkish media is targeting the moral of our people and playing its part of a role in the special warfare against our people. Our people has to be aware and sensitive against such propagandas of the special warfare.


The Press Liaision Center - HPG
